With the sun shining and spring fading, it is well truly a sign that summers are here. While summers offer fresh respite from the numbing winter’s cold, it is difficult for the pregnant women to bear the heat of the blistering sun.
It is hard for mothers to sleep during summer nights. The stickiness and the sweatiness keep you tossing and turning in your bedroom and it can’t get harder than being pregnant at the same time. Here were are offering some useful tips for those moms to keep themselves cool and sleep well during the summer nights ahead.
- Have some ventilation
According to the experts, the optimum room temperature to ensure a comfortable night’ sleep is between 16 degrees Celsius and 18 degrees Celsius. Though this idea may seem obvious to many of us, so many of us neglect it and forget to open our windows at night. Alternatively, keep the windows open for a few hours before you go to sleep. Do everything you can to keep the heat away from your house. Use blinds during the daytime to keep out the sunlight. Keep the windows closed if the temperature outside is much hotter than inside. You can open the windows at night if the temperature is less outside.
- Stay hydrated
Another obvious reason, but a small glass of cold water can help you decrease your body temperature significantly. If you are one of those who takes a relaxing tea before going to bed then it is better to keep it in the fridge and have an iced tea version before going to bed.
- Sleep on your side
That’s perhaps one of the most important takeaways. When you sleep during the pregnancy, it is better to sleep on your side with the curled body. This not only helps you keep a cushion of the baby inside, but also keeps you comfortable all the night. That stress of the extra weight on your body is less realized in this position. And it will also help to curb acid reflux.
- Use cotton bedsheets
We know that ladies want to make their bedroom look super sexy by putting on satin seats on their beds, but these type of clothes absorb heat and make you sweat. Instead, you should opt for light-colored bedsheets. This kind of clothing keeps you crisp and cool throughout the night. Being a pregnant mother, it is also pertinent for you to sleep on a best memory foam mattress that gives you comfort all night.
- Get loose
Avoid wearing tight leggings and tights during pregnancy in the summer season. Tight clothing is a real killer when it comes to heat retention. Wear stuff that is loose and breathable. It will help you prevent sweating during the night. You can also wear baggy nightshirts or a cute short set.
- Cold water
You may have thought that summers are the time to say goodbye to your hot water bottle until next winter. But you can update your bedtime buddy to fit the season. You can fill that bottle with water and place it in the freezer without its cover. When it is frozen, you can re-clothe your bottle and you have a handy bed cooler. If that’s not possible, you can simply freeze a bottle of water for an easy home-made version.