
Beetroot – red beets: superfood that increases sports performance

Want to raise your body’s stamina and prolong your exercise program you practice? Nothing could be easier! You just have to drink beetroot juice, according to scientists. It has been shown that beetroot is supercharged to increase sports performance!

Specifically, beetroot helps muscles to withstand physical exertion. The nitrate content of this super-food helps reduce oxygen consumption, thus making exercise less tiring.

Recovery is rapid and efficient after intense workouts

And as a bonus, beetroot juice improves the recovery after exercising by modulating the blood pressure and increasing blood flow to the muscles, eliminating lactic acid and muscle pain.

The benefits of eating beetroot have been known since ancient times, it is highly valued for its medicinal and healing properties. Beetroot is the ideal source of iron, magnesium, antioxidants and folic acid has been used to treat conditions such as fever, constipation and skin problems.

This wonderful food fights off cancer, lowers blood pressure, decreases the risk of a stroke and stimulates blood circulation in certain brain regions. A red beet contains all B vitamins, potassium, manganese, vitamin C, vitamin A, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, sulphur, iron antioxidants and therefore strengthens the immune system.  It heals the liver, feels better after cardiovascular workouts and helps the digestive system from gastritis cramps and heartburn, etc.

This is also a good natural remedy for detoxifying and energizing. The combination of anthocyanin (phenol plant food that is responsible for the purple, red and blue pigmentation) contains a powerful anti-inflammatory agent fighting allergies and frees radicals in the body.


Most often beet is consumed as a juice or salad. We suggest you try the recipe below original!

Beetroot cake with walnuts and asparagus

Chef Joseph Hadad recommends a special recipe with fresh taste. The preparation can be served as appetizer. Certainly, family and guests will be excited to try something new, delicious and low-calorie!


Ingredients for 6 servings:

– 6 red beets

– 5 tablespoons of olive oil

– 3-wire thyme

– 2 oranges

– Tablespoon lemon juice

– Tablespoon balsamic vinegar

– 120g shelled walnuts

– 8 wires asparagus

– Basil for decoration

– Crushed black pepper


Preparation: This is prepared one day before. Wash beets thoroughly and boil with salt until al dente. Then peel and placed in a refrigerator.


Cut the beets into thin slices 2 mm and lay on a large plate in the shape of an open rose. Brush the middle of each beet with olive oil, salt, pepper and thyme.  Build quite tall, up to 4 or 5 layers like a cake, leaving a hole in the middle, which will be filled with asparagus and concoction of juices so the higher the better. Garnish with fresh basil and crispy lettuce leaves.

Clean the asparagus, leaving only the green tops and boil in salted water for about 2 minutes, then put it in a pot with cold water to keep the texture firm and green colour vivid.

Mix the orange juice with lemon, salt, white pepper, balsamic vinegar, olive oil and half a teaspoon of honey. Sprinkle the walnuts on top and serve in generous pieces

Serve chilled. Enjoy your meal!

Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!

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  1. Salutare Valentin ! Imi face plăcere să-ţi urmăresc blogul. Incerc sa tin cont de ceea ce citesc pe blogul tau si sa urmez anumite “cure” care nu ma slabesc de kilograme, dar ma mentin, dar nu ma “slabesc” nici de energie si ma simt mult mai bine. Te salut şi îţi urez multă baftă pe mai departe !

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