Our online world brought both relief from hard work and increased anxiety. The Information Age fostered incredible innovations in automation, mechanics and networking. However, this also means decreased physical activity, as well as more things to think about. It is no surprise that there has been a rise in the popularity of yoga and meditation.
Meeting the Need for Yoga Instruction Online
Glo is a company that makes learning both yoga and meditation enjoyable and convenient. It developed an online platform to meet associated challenges and nuances. Expert instructors add value to practice anywhere that you might find yourself. The meditation app itself is a real treat to use. Enjoyability can be just as important as technical aspects. After all, a lot can be said about the energy derived from inspiration.
The Importance of Meditation to Your Yoga Practice
Yoga is a way of life. It is both a philosophy and physical practice. Many dedicated practitioners claim to attune to its spiritual rewards. This means that realizing its benefits require intent study. This is where Glo comes in.
Improve Your Meditative Practice with Glo
Glo’s meditation app can help sustain a dedicated yoga schedule even while meeting the challenging demands we all face today. It is designed so you can maximize your practice times anywhere you need to be. From a few minutes during a work break at your desk, to the perfect half hour set of asanas for the middle of the day, take the Glo app on the go with you. When at home, during the weekends, before and after sleeping, Glo’s professional instructors can guide you through challenging extended schedules to help nurture your inner yogi.
About Glo
Glo wants all of its members to awaken their own potential. Its mission is to help people lead fulfilling lives. Glo accomplishes this by creating intelligent tools like its meditation app. The individuals who make up Glo share a vision of a world where we all realize our true potential.
Overview of Glo Courses
Variety is key to yoga practice. Glo class designs enable you to maintain your practice even while keeping a busy schedule. It is also good to have a pre-designed, extended routine for down times to get the full breadth of the fulfillment that yoga can deliver.
Glo classes have been thoughtfully diversified. Here are a few that illustrate the range of its meditation app:
- Inner Sanctuary
- Simply Savasana
- Hallways and Doors
- Unraveling Knots
- Healthy, Strong, Happy, and Calm
- Gratitude and Forgiveness
- Finding Peace
- Balancing Your Heart and Mind
- Cultivating Self Love
- and many more
The importance of meditation for calming the mind, easing the soul, and awakening the spirit is at the heart of yoga. Each of the courses above hold a piece of the puzzle. There are varying difficulty levels designed into each course. More about Glo’s meditation courses can be found here.
Yoga Outside of the Home
Doing your meditation with Glo means that courses are available for download to any of your devices. You will have a supportive network wherever you go. This way, yoga is not regulated to the home studio and class at your local gym or spa.
Glo is confident that you will find its meditation app a true pleasure to use. It is designed to be both functional and enjoyable. Try Glo’s free trial. You will be pleasantly surprised