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This Is What You Need To Do For Fixing Weak Glutes

The Fix For Weak Glutes

Weak or dormant glutes can greatly impair the strength and mobility of your hips, take a toll on your overall athletic performance and increase your risk of injury. These are the most commonly experienced symptoms of dysfunctional glutes:

-Acute or chronic knee pain
-Weak ankles
-Flawed knee and hip mechanics
-Lack of soreness after a strenuous leg workout
-Tight or spastic hip flexors

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To further assess the health and strength of your glutes, you can test them with The Chair of Death, an invention by Jay Dicharry, the author of “Anatomy for Runners”.

All you need to perform this test is a chair. Stand in front of the chair with your feet under it and the knees touching the seat. Extend your arms in front of you and squat down, trying to avoid pushing into the chair with the knees. If your knees hit or move the chair, it means that your glutes are not firing appropriately and you’re initiating the squat movement with your quads, which places unnecessary stress on the knees.

In addition, if your glutes are not functioning optimally, you won’t be able to perform these tests successfully:

-Romanian deadlifts at 75-80% of your max squat for several reps
-Barbell lunges with 50% of your 1RM squat or 100% of your bodyweight for several reps
-Holding a single-leg stand with your eyes closed for 60 seconds on each leg
-12-15 consecutive kettlebell swings with 50% of your bodyweight
-10 single-leg curls on each leg on a stability ball with elevated hips

READ: 5 Powerful Glutes Exercises You Need To Be Doing

If these tests revealed a major weakness in your glutes, it’s time to snap them back into perfect condition. Try the following 10 tips to optimize the function of your hips and glutes and improve both your athletic performance and physical health.

Emphasize the stretched and contracted positions

Increase the ability of your glutes and hamstrings to fully lengthen through a full range of motion. Hit your glutes with exercises that emphasize eccentric lengthening of the glutes and hamstrings, such as Romanian deadlifts, deadlifts and good-mornings. To further enhance the benefits of these movements, perform them in an eccentric fashion, taking it slowly during the negative portion and pausing for 5 seconds in the stretched position.
The second part of the process of waking up your glutes includes movements that place focus on the contracted position, such as glute bridges, hip thrusts and reverse hyperextensions. These will help you isolate the glutes and strengthen the mind-muscle connection in the posterior chain.

Master the cable pull-through

The pull-through relies on horizontal forces that match the way your glutes actually function and work directly against the forces that want to flex your hips. Plus, this is one of the few movements that involve a great level of tension in both the stretched and contracted positions. To increase the effectiveness of the cable pull-through, accentuate hip and gluteal activity even further by placing the cable pulley to approximately a foot above the ground. In addition, include an eccentric isometric at the bottom and an additional pause at the top.

SEE: Try This Super Effective Cable Workout for Glutes and Legs (Men & Women)

Improve your posture

Proper spinal alignment will work wonders for your squats and deadlifts, as well as your ability to fully flex the hips in the stretched position. Postural alignment is the basis of proper movement and when it’s off, all movement patterns suffer. Gluteal inhibition can negatively influence posture, and poor posture will further inhibit the glutes, which means that adequate spinal alignment is a crucial part of proper hip and gluteal function.

SEE: Stay in shape at your desk with this Office Friendly 30 Days Posture Challenge

Kettlebell swings

Kettlebell swings are ideal for strengthening the posterior chain because of the way their eccentric phase increases innervation of intrafusal muscle fibers. Perform them with heavier loads for medium-to-high reps to build gluteal strength and explosive hip power and power them up by using a resistance band to increase force absorption and maintain constant tension throughout the movement. Make sure you don’t jump into heavy swings too quickly and instead gradually increase the weight to activate the glutes and hams to greater degrees.


Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!

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