Pauline Nordin is a top international fitness model and personality. With her background in personal training, she was headhunted to become a trainer for the TV program “Biggest Loser” (Nordic version). Her protégé won.
So, in 2006, Pauline moved from Sweden to America to pursue her dreams. Mission accomplished, as shortly thereafter, Fighter Diet was born.
Fighter Diet is web-based via the domain

Other words are simply unnecessary. Just look her up, you’ll see what an amazing person she is.
All I can say is that I am so proud to have an interview with Pauline. So, without further ado, read all about it:
1. Hi Pauline, thanks for accepting this interview! Tell us please, in short, for those who don’t know, WHO IS PAULINE NORDIN?
I’m originally from Sweden, moved to America in 2006, created Fighter Diet and became an internationally recognized fitness icon.
2. Describe yourself in just 3 simple words.
driven, focused, passionate.
3. How did Pauline Nordin got internationally loved?
Brian Moss shot me for Animal Campaign which resulted in a squat pic that went viral on the internet. That followed up with a cover of Ironman magazine, a feature in REPS mag and 18 pages spread in Hardbods by American Curves. I was also featured multiple times in Oxygen Magazine, FLEX and Muscle & Fitness. The feature ‘Girls are back” was the first time women make a comeback for ages in FLEX magazine.
4. Could you please tell us your present workout program? Get wild, talk about your fav group muscle, your fav exercise.
I work out 7 days a week, 2 times a day. Yes, I’m an addict. I weight train 6 days, cardio 7. My favorite muscle group to train is the butt. I work glutes two times a week, one day with deadlifts and one day with squats. Those are my favorite exercises.
5. What is your fav food? Do you diet a lot, or just keep your food clean, without extreme dieting?
I’m very strict with my nutrition since I’m a slow loser and easy fat gainer. Fighter Diet is my concept and involves tons of vegetables and refeeds. My favorite food is anything veggies in big volume with mustard.
6. When you workout, do you listen to music? If yes, what music?
Yes I love music. Mostly hip hop and EDM, but I have a very eclectic taste in music and listen to all kinds of genres. I do not listen to heavy metal, I just wear tops with bands because I like the oxymoron of it.
7. What supplements do you use at the time? Why?
I use a lot of supplements and always have. whey protein, egg white protein, fish oil, NAC, FD Greens, Burn, Pump (two pre workout formulas), vitamin D and E, BCAAs are some of what I use.
8. When you started out in fitness & health, did u make any mistakes?
Not really. I educated myself well and reflected upon what I was doing. I did neglect stretching but changed that later on.
9. What was the best advice you received when you were in the begginings?
To keep it up. Said by professional bodybuilders.
10. Tell us 3 tips for the boys and 3 tips for the girls
Guys: train legs and glutes, don’t assume women can eat like you do and get away with it, eat your veggies. For the ladies; train like a hulk to look like a ballerina, build up your squat, eat protein.
11. Do you have any favourite fitness models or inspirations?
12. Tell us about your competing times. What was it like to compete? Will you ever compete again? What advice can u give for those who want to compete?
It was a stepping stone. great experience. I love being onstage or in front of the camera. I won’t compete again, there’s nothing in it for me. I also don’t like the whole beauty part of it, the bling bling or the political game. My advice is to not rush into competing, you must build a solid foundation and it will take lots of time.
13. Apart from health and fitness, you are into pets. Tell us a little more about Goosegump, your lovely cat :).
He’s a shelter cat I adopted at age 10. He’s 13 now. He’s a love machine!
14. What is your fav quote?
Discipline your dedication.
15. Are u planning any soon a trip to Europe? Maybe Romania?
I wish, but I’m not. I’m planning on going to russia in december to fly another jet plane out to edge of space. I’m an adrenaline junkie!
Thank you Pauline once again for accepting this interview. More on Pauline Nordin:
Go follow this amazing lady!