If you can’t make it to the gym or don’t have a gym membership then these 2 body weight workout plans are exactly what you need to help you get in shape! Both are designed to help lose fat and tone up. These plans are great for beginners and can even be adjusted with small weights once the technique is mastered.
Workout Description
The following workout plans are two great workouts for beginners who are either just starting their fitness journey or simply don’t have the time or resources to make it to the gym to lift weights.
If you’re just beginning, I would recommend you start with the first circuit.
READ: 10 Week Home WorkOut Plan Which Will Definitely Help You Burn Fat
It is meant to be a workout plan, so you should take minimal rest from exercise to exercise, but you should still take your time and also know your own capabilities.
After you’ve completed a round from either workout, rest for 90 seconds before starting the workout over again.
When performing this plan, take one day of rest in between each session. Ideally, you should perform one of the two workouts 3-4 times per week.
Use your off days to do a lower intensity form of exercise for example: taking a walk or jog.
If you’d like to increase your calorie expenditure further, you could also perform a HIIT (high intensity interval training) routine such as sprinting on days you perform your circuits.
With each workout, try to add an additional rep to each exercise for all 3 rounds. Once you are able to do all 3 rounds for 15 reps, add an additional round, bring the rep counts back to ten reps per exercise and repeat the process. Once you’re able to do 6 rounds with 15 reps per exercise, move on to workout 2 and progress the same way.
SEE ALSO: 12 Week No-Gym Home Workout Plan!
The second workout can be used as a progression depending on your experience level. For example, if you’re in the process of progressing to workout 2 (or workout 1 is way too easy), you could perform workout 1 one day and workout 2 the next, until you feel you’re able to do workout 2 for each of your workout days.
Once you’re capable of performing 6 rounds of 15 reps for each exercise on workout 2, it will be time to add weight or find more challenging calisthenic workouts you can do from home.
Make sure you will keep track of your progress! Comeback for more amazing workouts and share this one with your friends!
A very helpful thing in increasing the stamina of the body. it not only increase our stamina but challenges our mind also to work it in a different way. The special thing about this is we don’t need to go outside we can do it while at home only.