
Strengthen The Bones, Treat Joint Pain And Soothe Inflammation With This Secret Food


Basically, conditions such as weak bones, joint pains and inflammation are mostly as a result of old age. As we continue to develop in age, diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis may attack and weaken our bones and joints.

It therefore becomes imperative that you should follow a proper diet which is rich in important nutrients and minerals.  This will help you not only strengthen your bones, but it will also reduce your chances of being attacked by such kind of diseases.

Primarily, the main cause of joint and bone pains may be due to various factors. The most widely popular cause is osteoarthritis, inflammation, injuries, gout as well as other autoimmune diseases. Since prevention is always far better than cure, you should ensure that you eat foods that are highly nutritious and beneficial to your bones.

Here is a list of secret foods that will help strengthen your bones, treat joint pain and soothe inflammation:

  • Ginger

Ginger is a highly nutritious and a powerful remedy for treatment of joint signs and symptoms of joint pains. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties that help the bones and joints to effectively fight with inflammation.  When ingested in tandem with carrots, they not only help in easing joint signs and symptoms of joint pains, but they also help in boosting the overall immune system.

In order to prepare a diet of carrots and ginger, you of course need to have a piece of 2 centimeters long ginger and about 5-6 pieces of carrot. Other ingredients that make up this concoction include a 1 centimeters long turmeric root and 250 milliliters of milk. The ginger and turmeric should be grated and mixed with the other ingredients ready for blending. You should blend until the mixture becomes smooth and appealing to the eyes.

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The above mixture should be taken on a daily basis in quantities of about 50-60ml. it is also important to note that, the mixture should be taken for about three times in each single day 30 minutes before meals. According to a professor from University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, the mixture is very vital for patients suffering from joints and bone pain.

  • Grapes

Grapes have been for a long time used to treat diseases such as arthritis, prevent the bones from becoming deteriorated as well as solving cardiovascular issues with ease. Grapes are also a prerequisite for a long life that is full of that youthful energy. I guarantee that you will retain that youthful energy you had in your young age if you incorporate grapes in your daily routine diet.

According to a research, grape seeds are the most important element in treating joint pains. In countries and areas where grapes are grown in large quantities, the seeds have been a resourceful element in treating arthritis and joint related problems. These fruits are rich in antioxidants, potassium, as well as vitamin B. If you are out there and are experiencing joint pains, weak bones and inflammation, you should take advantage of this nutritious fruit.

  • Passion Fruit

Fruits and vegetables are very rich in nutrients that help in treating arthritis. Passion fruit is one of the highly nutritious and effective fruit when it comes to reducing the intensity of inflammation, reducing the level of pain in the joints and bones and other many health benefits. This fruit reduces the level of pain in the bones and as well improves joint articulation and discomfort within the joints.

Numerous of studies have proved that this fruit performs many functions in the body when it comes to treating joint pains, inflammation and general pains in the body. Research has also discovered that the fruit can be used to strengthen weak bones a condition known as osteoporosis. Therefore, if you want to reap maximum benefits from passion fruit, you should include it in your diet for a period of thirty days.

  • Milk, Cheese And Dairy Foods

These are foods highly nutritious and rich in minerals important for bone formation such as calcium. A research by the National diet and National survey found out that, most of the cases of arthritis, joint and bone pains and inflammation arise from lack of enough calcium and vitamin D. the research goes further to claim that, the required amount of calcium in the body on a daily basis is around 70 milligrams.

Basically, Sarah Leyland from the National Osteoporosis Society claims that, although calcium and Vitamin D are the leading contributors of strong bone and joint health, other nutrients are vital in maintaining a proper condition of the bones. It therefore becomes imperative to follow proper diets which include eating foods such as milk, cheese and all the dairy products.

Since poor health of the bones is the leading cause of inflammation weak bones and joint pains, a diet full of calcium is recommended. Such foods include the following: Bread, foods prepared with fortified flour, soya beans, tofu, and green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, and okra. However, although spinach has long been considered as a very nutritious vegetable, it lowers the absorption of calcium in the body and should therefore not be eaten.

READ ALSO:  Foods that help fix calcium in the bones and prevent osteoporosis

  • Food Rich In Vitamin D

If you have been diagnosed of osteoporosis, which is condition that arises due to weak bones, then you should consider eating food rich in Vitamin D. This Vitamin helps in the formation of strong bones in the body. Good sources of Vitamin D include the following: Oily fish such as salmon, eggs, powdered milks, as well as fortified breakfast cereals. Another good source of Vitamin D is the sun.


Weak bones can hinder movement and proper functioning in your daily activities. On the other hand, inflammation and joint pain might disturb your sleep and give you general discomfort. However, by following a diet of these secret foods, and consuming a supplement Flexoplex all these problems will be a song of the past.

Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!

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