
Try This Super Effective Cable Workout for Glutes and Legs (Men & Women)

Every girl and every boy need firm legs and amazing round booty!  Try this Cable Workout for Glutes and Legs that will make your butt more defined and perky.

Perform this workout alone or add some exercises to your regular training sessions.

10 Exercises Cable Workout For Glutes and Legs

Make your squats, lunges and deadlifts more challenging adding the resistance. Moreover, working just with one machine will also save your time.

Note: To prevent weight stack smashing into itself, stand far enough out of the cable machine.

1) Cable Squats


  • Stand in front of the machine with a straight bar or rope attached. Step back so there is some tension in the cable and squat. Pause a bit, stand and repeat.
  • Do 20 squats.

2) Cable Lunges


  • Stand a bit far away in front of the machine holding a D handle. Step back lowering your knee in a lunge position. Hold a bit and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat 20 times with each leg.

3) Cable Side Lunges


  • Start off setting up an ankle strap or cable onto a low pulley cable machine and attaching it to your left ankle.
  • Make a wide step out to the side, bend your knee into a lunge. Pause and return to the starting position.
  • Do 20 repetitions with each leg.

READ ALSO: Enhance Your Glutes

4) Cable Kickbacks


  • Start off setting up an ankle strap or cable onto a low pulley cable machine and attaching it to one of your ankles.
  • Stand in front of the machine and place your arms against it for support.
  • Slowly kick the weighted leg backward, extending it as far as you can, feeling a stretch in your calf and hold for a count.
  • Return back to the starting position.
  • Do 12 repetitions.

5) Cable Step-Ups


  • Put a box or a bench a few feet in front of the cable machine.
  • Stand with your face away from the machine in front of the box or any other elevation (it should be stable) holding a rope behind you.
  • Step up with one leg keeping a 90 degree angle.
  • Step back down with the same leg. Repeat 12-15 times with each leg.

MUST SEE: 10 Mistakes That Are Keeping Your Calves Small

6) Cable Deadlifts


  • Start off by attaching a bar to a low pulley cable machine and standing in front of it with your feet shoulder width apart and back straight.
  • Bend down and grab the bar with an overhand grip and slowly lift the bar up towards upper thigh level, keeping your back, arms and legs straight through the motion.
  • Hold this position for a count then return back to the start. Do 12-15 repetitions.

7) Cable Pull Throughs


  • Face away from a cable machine with your legs spread, knees bent and feet turned out slightly. Reach through your legs to grasp the D-handle or rope attachment and stand up straight.
  • Lower your upper body by stretching through your legs, then return to the starting position. Repeat 20 times.

8) Cable Abductors


  • Start off setting up an ankle strap or cable onto a low pulley cable machine and attaching it to your left ankle.
  • Raise your left leg out to the side. Pause and squeeze for two seconds before slowly lowering.
  • Repeat 10-12 for each leg.

9) Cable Adduction


  • Start off setting up an ankle strap or cable onto a low pulley cable machine and attaching it to your left ankle. This is going to be a working leg.
  • Pull the leg with the ankle cuff in front of the far leg by using the inner thighs.
  • Repeat 10 times.

10) Forward Leg Extension


  • Start off setting up an ankle strap or cable onto a low pulley cable machine and attaching it to your right ankle.
  • Stand with your back to the machine. Make a 90 degree angle and extend the leg making a straight line while keeping your body straight.
  • Perform 10 times.

CONCLUSION: There you go! You now have the most complete cable workout for glutes and legs. This can be done by men or women. Just be sure you have a good warm up and if you have time, stretch a little!

Also, remember your nutrition is key. You can check your macros for free on BodyNutrition!

Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!


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  1. Hey! Can you explain why bodybuilder performs more compound exercises like Squats, Deadlifts etc? And what kind of Workouts will be best if anyone want to build bigger muscles?

  2. Thank you for sharing with us about leg workout. I have to tell you cable squats can also be used for weight loss. I have done this and now I can see my body changes and it also helped me to lose weight. I have found this information on this blog: *NO ADS ALLOWED*
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