Nowadays, a lot of people, even younger individuals, suffer from serious health problems like autoimmune conditions and cancer. The reasons for these diseases and conditions can be numerous. Some of the most common ones are excessive stress, hormone disrupters, viruses, parasites, heavy metals, excessive consumption of processed foods, etc.
SEE: Did You Know That You Can Detox Your Body Through Your Feet?
How Does the Immunity Weaken?
The immune system is capable of removing toxins through diarrhea, vomit, and fever, however, when the immunity becomes off-center, the body starts to attack itself. These conditions can be caused by a diet rich in GMOs, pesticides, wheat, and sugar. Moreover, a lot of the unnecessary proteins may leak through the gut which will alert the immunity and our organism will detect it as an intruder. As a result, the body will speed up the immunity and this will lead to inflammation. This is a normal reaction which may last for a short amount of time, however, sometimes; it can turn into a chronic condition.
Autoimmune Conditions
- Leukemia
- Lupus
- Autism
- Asthma
- Eczema
- Vitiligo
- Diabetes
- Rheumatoid arthritis
How to Detox the Whole Body and Strengthen the Immunity
There are several beneficial ways in which you can cleanse the whole body and build a stronger immune system. Let’s take a look:
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Healthy diet
To cleanse the body with the help of your diet, you need to exclude processed foods, GMOs, sugar, as well as refined and pasteurized foods. Limit or avoid the consumption of caffeine drinks and alcohol. Include more healthy fats like coconut, avocado, and olive oil, fish, nuts, seeds, probiotics, etc. Avoid birth control pills, tap water, and try to add more alkaline foods to your diet.
Cleanse the liver
Beets, dandelion root, garlic, castor oil, and turmeric are great for a natural detox of the liver. If you suffer from gallstones, eat tart apples for one week and drink carrot juice as well to prevent the stones from dislodging. You can benefit a lot from olive oil shots mixed with a bit of lemon juice.
Cleanse the kidneys
The best way to remove toxins from the kidneys is with the help of ginger, vitamin B6, horsetail, and vegetable glycerin. Other drinks that can help you are warm lemon water, apple cider vinegar, and cranberry juice. Try to stay away from pesticides as much as possible.
READ ALSO: 6 Ways To Make Detox Easier
Colon detox
You can completely remove all waste deposits from the colon with the help of coffee enemas, Indian gooseberry, and triphala. Try to add more plants to your diet and drink water without fluoride. Aloe vera and coconut kefir are also very beneficial, as well as garlic, ginger, fennel, activated charcoal, and vitamin C.
How to remove heavy metals
Cilantro, zeolite clay, cabbage, garlic, Brussels sprouts, and foods rich in sulfur can be a great aid in the removal of heavy metals. It’s also crucial to avoid unnecessary vaccines which can be full of heavy metals.
How to remove parasites
This can be achieved with the help of distilled water, organic coffee, cloves, garlic, coconut oil, coffee enemas, bentonite clay, and cinnamon.
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How to cleanse the lymphatic system
To do this, you should be more physically active, i.e. take daily walks or do yoga. Massages can be of great help as well as deep breathing techniques.
How to cleanse the skin
Most of the store-bought skin beautifying products we use on a daily basis have ingredients that can cause serious health problems like fibroids, endometriosis, etc. To cleanse the skin, avoid using these and similar products and go to the sauna, do hot yoga, sweat more, try dry brushing, and soak in bathwater with Epsom salt. Vitamin D can be very beneficial in preventing breast and prostate cancer.