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Soup has other benefits, too: Since it relies primarily on vegetables rather than fruits, it’s super low on the glycemic scale, and it’s packed with fiber, which makes it pretty filling. Before digging in, we asked frequent goop contributor, Dr. Frank Lipman, for his opinion: “I feel strongly that a proper cleanse needs nutrients that support the body’s innate detoxification systems and anti-microbials to kill the “bad” guys in the gut, as those are a common source of toxicity. And soup is a good way to deliver those nutrients, as the food does not have to be digested and it’s easier on the digestive system. Just be sure you’re avoiding the common foods that trigger inflammation (gluten, dairy, soy, corn, nightshades, etc.).”
See also: 48-Hour Weekend Liver, Colon and Kidney Detox that Will Remove All Toxins and Fat from Your Body