
7 Crunch-Free Core Exercises to Get Ripped Abs

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Physical fitness is important for your body and can help you stay in shape even when as you get older. Being physically active and ripped has many health advantages that can come in handy for both young and old, as well for both genders. Participating in regular physical exercises can help you control your weight, it can reduce your risk of obtaining certain medical conditions, including heart disease and diabetes, it can strengthen your bones, give you more physical strength, and it can even have a positive impact on your mental wellbeing. Above all, being active physically is the best way to look after your physical appearance and ensure your body is always in tip-top shape. Whether your goal is to build lean muscle mass or simply to maintain a slim physique, exercising on a regular basis is the way to achieve and maintain these goals.

The ultimate goal of most men who regularly participate in physical activity is to get a lean, ripped physique. Their abdominal area is often one of the most targeted parts of their body as ripped abs are associated with an increase in attractiveness. This, however, isn’t the only function that working on your core has for you. Strong core muscles can help you reduce your risk of injury, and it can increase your overall physical strength; thus allowing you to participate in more strenuous physical exercises to build even more muscles. Physical activity that focuses on building lean muscle mass is also an excellent way to boost your stamina and endurance, allowing you to participate in certain activities for a longer period without feeling weak or tired.

READ: WARNING: Doing Crunches Is Actually Making Your Waist Larger! Here’s What To Do Instead

Achieving Ripped Abs without Crunches

When you think about exercising for better-looking abs, chances are the first type of exercise that pops in your mind is crunches. This might be the most popular kind of workout that people do to focus on their core, but it is not the most effective and it may have negative impacts on your body. Thank You, Body reports that crunches can sometimes even be dangerous. They report that crunches do not develop your deeper muscle tissue, it can cause tension in your neck, they do not target your entire body, and they can contribute towards a poor posture. To help you achieve those ripped abs without opting for crunches, we’ve compiled a list of exercises that will give you the best ab workout without doing any crunches.

1. Hanging Leg Raises

The hanging leg raise workout has been specifically tailored toward the core muscles. This exercise is considered to be an excellent way to build up abdominal muscles without causing havoc to the spine and without holding the various harmful effects that are associated with doing crunches on a regular basis. It is important to do this workout slowly as it may take you some time to get used to. Once you get used to how it works, then you can start to increase your pace and even do more reps during a single routine. To do the hanging leg raise exercise, start by hanging down from the bar (chin-up bar in the gym will work great). Your arms should be extended, and your legs should be in a straight down position. You should roll your pelvis slightly backward. Now, raise both your legs until your torso has a 90degree angle. Exhale while you perform this action and hold the position for a couple of seconds. Move back to the starting position and repeat.

2. Planks

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Throwing in a plank workout in your routine is also a great idea for building up your core muscles while also working on the rest of your body. There are different types of plank exercises, and each has its benefits. Each type of plank exercise also works on different muscle groups, but they all have one thing in common – they will help you build ripped abs. The most popular kinds of plank workouts for core strength is the classic plank, the side plank, the plus side plank and the RKC hard style plank.


Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!


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  1. Nicely looking web, I wish you will add me for more information about fitness center gym equipments tips, great work guy’s all the best in life lol happily Lawal abubakar Isah

  2. Decamping hundreds of sit-ups is not an amusement at all. I don’t think it will work for your core in the same way as the mixture of other workouts can. It is quite unfortunate to say that some people believe that it requires a number of crunches to get the ripped abs. But guys, that is not the real scenario. It is not about performing sit-ups and crunches, rather it is more about clearing your aspect before planning your workout schedule. Sometimes, what happens is that performing so many crunches and isolation physical-jerks make your abs nonexistent. So, it will be better to perform the above crunch-free core workouts so that you can surely get your abs to pop.

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