What causes bumps on your wrist? A look at the bumps on wrist, red, small, not itchy, rash, causes, treatment and how to get rid.
Bumps on Wrist Causes
Any abnormal lump or even a bump in hand or wrist is said to be a tumor. The term “tumor” does not necessarily imply that it is malignant or that it is a cancerous. In fact, most hand and wrist tumors are benign (they are not cancer).
Tumors can happen on skin, like a mole or even a wart under the skin in soft tissue or even the bone. Because there are several types of tissues in hand (e.g. skin, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels etc.), there are several types of tumors that can happen. Only a few of them are seen commonly.
Ganglion Cysts: This are the most common found bumps on wrist. Ganglion cysts are seen frequently in the wrist but can also happen at the base of fingers or even around the finger joints.
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The cyst is usually filled with fluid, and it will feel firm. There are many treatment options that are available for a ganglion cyst, which includes observation, aspiration (puncturing using a needle) or even surgically getting rid of it.
Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath: This are the second most common bumps on wrist. Unlike the fluid-filled ganglion cyst, these bumps are usually solid. They are also benign and also slow-growing.
Epidermal inclusion cyst: This particular bumps on wrist are normally benign and forms just below the skin where there may have been a cut. The cyst is usually filled with keratin, which is a soft, waxy material.
There are other less common types of bumps on wrist that are seen in the hand, which includes lipomas (fatty), neuromas (nerve), nerve sheath, fibromas and also the glomus, among others. Almost all are usually benign.
Other Causes of Lumps, Bumps and Masses
Foreign bodies, like a splinter, can lead to reactions that form bumps on wrist. Dupuytren’s Contracture may lead to firm bumps in hand, which are normally confused with tumors. Finally, blood vessel growths may also be confused with several other tumors.
Itchy Bumps on wrist
Small red bumps on wrist can resemble a cluster of raised bumps or even a bumpy rash which appears to be connected.
Depending on the cause of the bumps on wrist, it is able to spread to several other parts of the body as well. You can as well find that several causes of bumps makes them to grow in size and also make large patches that are red and swollen.
Bedbugs are a common cause of the red bumps on wrist, including the hands. They are most commonly found in box springs that have been infested and also in the seams of upholstered furniture as well as underneath loose wallpaper, according to doctors. Contact dermatitis is also another potential cause of these bumps on wrist.
This condition is normally brought on by an allergic reaction to several substances, which includes the detergents that you use to wash clothes, several types of topical ointments and also the ingredients that are found in perfumes or colognes.
According to doctors, eczema can as well cause red bumps on wrist. Eczema is not usually contagious or even dangerous, although it can happen at the most inconvenient times.
The Mayo Clinic also states the bedbug bites usually appear as a cluster of red bumps on wrist which have a darker red bump at the center. These particular bumps not only appear on wrist, but can as well be found on hands, neck and also the face.
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Contact dermatitis normally appears within hours of coming into contact with a substance that you are allergic to. Depending on the allergen, they can initially appear as bumpy, red skin and then develop into blisters if the reaction is very severe enough. Eczema is commonly identified by skin that is red, swollen and also flaky.
The American Academy of Dermatology also describes contact dermatitis as itchy bumps that can sting and burn when they are touched. In serious cases, the blisters can also fill with pus and erupt, leading to a painful open wound.
Eczema makes the skin in the affected area to be dry and extremely itchy. Bedbugs can lead to absolutely no reaction for some people while others can break into hives and then blisters that are severely itchy.
Eczema is a condition which, while not curable, it is as well not dangerous. If you are diagnosed with the bumps on wrist due to the condition, then the doctor will prescribe an appropriate treatment plan for you. If you have contact dermatitis and have a severe reaction which includes hives and blisters, medical attention should be sought.
Those with bedbugs that causes a serious skin reaction should see their doctor.
Bedbugs are usually treated with either an oral antihistamine or even a topical hydrocortisone cream. To prevent the repeat occurrences of bedbugs, inspect the upholstered furniture or even the mattresses and wear pajamas to bed as the bedbugs are not indicated to get under clothing.
Contact dermatitis is treated by use of topical moisturizers, oral antihistamine or even a calcineurin inhibitor. Antibiotics are also used if an infection in any way develops.