
Get A Beach Body And Bikini Booty With These 5 Amazing Moves

We all want to get back to the beach, we need this summer to be fit and healthy and also to stay in a really good shape, especially after these lockdowns.

What’s the key to getting a curved, firm, and totally tight backside? A full-scale attack on the muscles. Sure, your classic squats will help on your quest for a bubbly bikini booty, but squats and their many variations are far from the only move you should be doing if you want to make progress.

Your glutes respond best when they are targeted from different angles and movement patterns. This multi-angled approach goes far beyond traditional squats to target your abductors (outer hips) as well as your glutes, so you’re lifting and toning all the lower posterior muscles for a rounded, more symmetrical look.

Try these exercises and comeback here to let me know if they worked (I know they will)

Wide Up and Back Bounding:

How to:

  • Stand in an open area, feet hip-distance apart. Squat down, bringing fists in front of the chin and keeping weight over heels.
  • Explosively make two bounds forward, keeping head forward. Land in a squat position.
  • Explosively perform two back bounds, keeping head forward and landing in a squat position.
  • Hold a medicine ball at chin level for added resistance.
  • Perform three sets of 10 rounds. (Up and back equals one round).


Prone Frog Glute Press:

How to:

  • Lie facedown on top of a flat bench with your hips at one end of the bench.
  • Hold edges with both hands, keeping spine neutral.
  • Bend knees 90 degrees, keeping knees directly below hips (A).
  • Keeping upper body still, extend legs, touching feet together above the body (B).
  • Hold one count, squeezing glutes, then lower down to start and repeat.
  • Do two sets of 12 to 15 reps.

RELATED: Build A Perfect Booty With These Squat And Lunge Variations

Leaning Hip Abduction:

How to:

  • Kneel on the floor a few inches to the left of a stability ball.
  • Place right elbow and forearm on the center of the ball and left hand on hip.
  • Extend left leg diagonally to side, forming a straight line from shoulder to heel (A).
  • Keeping upper body still, lift the leg to hip height (B).
  • Hold one count, then lower leg without touching the floor.
  • Do two sets of 12 to 15 reps per side.

SEE ALSO: 20 Minute Beginner Stability Swiss Ball Workout

Elevated Single-Leg Glute Lift:

How to:

  • Lie face-up on the floor with heels on a small step or stability ball, arms at sides with palms down.
  • Extend right leg directly above hip.
  • Lift hips slightly off the floor.
  • Squeezing glutes, lift hips until your body forms a straight line from left knee to shoulders.
  • Lower your butt toward the floor without touching; repeat.
  • Do two sets of 12 to 15 reps per side.

MUST READ: Quarantine Workout: 30 Days Bodyweight Fat Loss Challenge

Seated V-Outs:

How to:

  • Sit on the floor with legs extended, holding weight close to the chest with elbows next to the body.
  • Lean back slightly and lift legs off the floor.
  • Lift weight above head while bringing legs out to sides in a wide V, keeping feet lifted off the floor.
  • Lower weight while bringing legs together without touching down; pause one count and repeat.
  • Do two sets of 12 to 15 reps.

SEE ALSO: How To Use A Bosu Ball To Create Gravity Defying Glutes

Trys these amazing moves, see the results, then comeback here and give me a thumbs up and share this with your friends so you can all be in amazing shape this summer!

Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!

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