I guess we all got used to working home during this pandemic times. Almost every average gym goer has at home some kind of minimal equipment, am I right? For this workout we need only a jump rope, a kettlebell and your bodyweight. Are you ready for this?
A kettlebell is a perfect tool for a 15-minute, busy-guy workout. You can do a kettlebell workout in minimal space, and it’ll make you feel more primal than throwing around dumbbells. Plus, a 15-minute kettlebell workout is great for burning plenty of calories in minimal time.
Kettlebells also boasts a few advantages over dumbbells. Picking up a kettlebell mimics the motions of your everyday life, whether it’s grabbing luggage, dishes from a cabinet, or those same things the kids left lying around the house.
There may be some debate as to whether cardio, bodyweight work, or weightlifting is the superior training method, but, honestly, if you’re trying t burn calories you’re best hitting all three. So grab a skipping rope, a medium-weight kettlebell, and tackle this 12-minute AMRAP, in which you train against the clock to log as many reps as possible.
Deploy this every other day and hit peak condition in no time.
Here’s the workout:
Exercise No 1: Jump Rope
This is your buy-in. Before you progress to the AMRAP, you have to complete every skip. It’s a warm-up, with the thermostat dialed up to 11.

How to:
- Hold the handles with the rope behind you.
- Using your wrists, flick the rope overhead and jump it.
- Stay on the balls of your feet and find a rhythm.
- Then it’s time for the hard part.
- Do 500 Reps.
RELATED: Top 5 Exercises For Those Who Are New To Kettlebell Training
Exercise No 2 American Kettlebell Swing:
Your AMRAP begins here

How to:
- Hold the weight in both hands between your legs.
- Hinge forward at the hips, then contract your glutes to swing the weight overhead.
- Return and repeat in a fluid swing.
- If the KB speed slows, don’t let form suffer – use this as a cue to take a 15-second breather in later rounds.
- Do 12 Reps.
SEE ALSO: How to improve your physique using Kettlebells
EXERCISE No 3: Sumo Deadlift High-pull:
Jump up and reach down for the kettlebell. This is really going to take the best out of you.

How to:
- Set up with your feet wider than your shoulders, knees bent, and your back flat.
- Contract your glutes to stand up and lift the weight.
- Don’t stop: in one fluid movement, lift the weight close to your chest until it reaches chin height.
- Reverse, ignore the increasing burn, and repeat.
- Do 12 Reps.
SEE ALSO: The Best Kettlebell Workout Routines for Fast Fat Loss (Proved By Science)
Next, drop the weight and hit the deck.

How to:
- Lie on your back with your arms and legs extended in a straight line.
- Lift your hands and feet an inch from the floor.
- Contract your abs to lift your hands and feet together above you before lowering slowly.
- Go steady and under control to maximise the benefit to your core and minimise the risk for your lower back.
- Do 12 Reps.
DON’T MISS: If You Hate Planks, This ABS Workout Is For You!
So, this is your workout! Make sure you perform a proper warm up before and then do this workout! You will get in the best shape of your life! Comeback here and let a comment, tell me how it went! Also, you’d better share this with your friends!