
One Of The Best Arms Workout Ever

1a Close grip chin ups
Grab a pull up bar with a shoulder-width underhand grip and hang at full stretch. Without kicking or jerking, bend your arms and pull your chin up to and then above the bar. Pause for a second and then slowly lower yourself back down to full extension. If you can do more than six repetitions, attach a weight around your waist. If you are unable to manage four reps, perform underhand close grip lat pull downs instead.

READ: Supersets To Bust Your Training Plateau

1b Parallel bar dips
Support your weight on extended arms. Bend your legs and cross your feet behind you. With your chest up, bend your arms and lower your shoulders down towards your hands until your elbows are bent to slightly more than 90 degrees. Push back up and repeat. If you can do more than six repetitions, attach a weight around your waist. If you are unable to perform four reps, perform bench dips or use an assisted dip machine instead.

2a EZ biceps curls
Grasp an EZ bar with a shoulder-width underhand grip, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Starting with your arms straight, flex your elbows and curl the bar up to shoulder-height. Slowly lower the bar back down and repeat. Make sure you keep your upper body completely still so as to keep the tension on your biceps – where it belongs!


2b EZ triceps extensions
Grasp the same EZ bar you just used with an overhand shoulder-width grip and then lie on a flat exercise bench. Extend your arms and hold the bar over your shoulders. Keeping your upper arms perpendicular to the floor and immobile, bend your elbows and lower the bar (carefully!) to your forehead. Extend your arms to raise the bar and repeat. Note, this is NOT a pressing exercise and the only movement should be your elbows bending and straightening.

3a Concentration curls
Sit on an exercise bench with a dumbbell in your left hand and your right hand resting on your right knee for support. Lean forwards, rest your left upper arm on the inside of your thigh and let the weight hang straight down from your shoulder. Keeping your upper arm fixed in place, curl the weight up until your biceps are maximally contracted. Smoothly lower the weight and repeat. On completion of your set, perform an identical number of repetitions for your opposite arm.

SEE: What’s BEST: Preacher curls VS Incline Curls

3b Cable kickbacks
Stand facing a low cable pulley. In a staggered stance, bend down and grab the handle in one hand. Lean forwards from your hip and then pull your upper arm in close to your body so that it is parallel to the floor. Bend your elbow so your hand is close to your shoulder. Keeping your legs and upper body fixed in place, extend your arm fully against the resistance offered by the cable. Bend your arm and repeat. On completion of your set, perform an identical number of repetitions for your opposite arm.

Perform this workout for four to six weeks before assessing your progress and moving onto a more general workout or a different body part specialization routine.

Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!

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