Physical Therapy can be a difficult experience. Whether you’re in physical therapy after surgery, serious injury, or trying to increase mobility and restore function, it can take time as well as be a little painful or frustrating. After I had surgery a couple of years ago, it was a daunting time as you not only had physical therapy to attend, but exercises to do at home, a fair amount of medication to organize, and keeping a pain journal so your therapist and doctor know how you are feeling throughout each day. Therefore, I started researching how apps can help manage this difficult time a bit better. During my research, I came across this helpful article so I will link it below for you to check out.
Check it out, but keep reading on to find out what tips I learned about making the physical therapy process a little easier.
Therapy and Home Exercises
No matter what level of physical therapy you need, either a strained muscle or relearning how to walk after an accident, you will need to go to a physical therapist for a certain amount of time to work out the issue. But, you will get homework. In order to improve (and hopefully quicker), you will need to do exercises at home as well. Luckily, you will find an ample amount of apps that can cater to your issue. For example, you can download an app that will come up with a series of stretches or movements that will help you gain mobility and help you get strong again. There are even apps that focus on pressure points so if you are having pain, you can find the pressure point to relieve the pain. With this, you can be your own Acupressurist and use naturals methods for self-treatment.
Medications & Health
However, if you have been in an accident or serious injury, you might need more than acupressure points to lessen your pain. In fact, you might have a slew of medications to take not only for pain, but to stop infections with antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, steroids, or to improve blood flow, and much more. With all these medications, especially pain killers, you want to make sure you take them at the correct dosage and at the recommended times during the day. Here you can download an app that can help you keep track of which pills you need to take after breakfast or set a reminder for when you need to take your next round. It is a very important part of your treatment to eat before you take your medications and that you take your medication at the correct times. For instance, if you accidentally forget to take your antibiotics, or don’t finish them, your body can build resistance against them, then, infection is a higher risk. Of course, if you take more than the recommended dosage of pain killers, that could be a risk to your health altogether.
Managing Pain
Also, every time you see your doctor or therapist, they will without a doubt, ask about your pain levels since the last appointment. Now, if you have ever been asked about pain, you know it’s not always easy to describe. It may be a slight pain, more pressure, or dull pain, or sharp pain. Not only describing pain can be tricky, but also remembering your pain level for the last 3 days. This is why you should find an app to download that can serve as your pain tracking assistant. You can set an alert to remind you to add a journal entry into your pain tracker app so that when you go to the appointment you can show your therapist or doctor the recordings. Ultimately, the better they know about how your pain is doing, the better they know how to treat you, manage your prescriptions, and get you feeling better as soon as possible.
In Conclusion
The experience of physical therapy can be challenging, but it is also necessary to getting back to being strong and healthy. With your determination and using some apps to help assist you through this, you can come out on the other side quicker and stronger. Download apps that can help you find different and quality stretches and exercises to do at home, help you manage all the medications you need to take, and help you track your pain or discomfort for a speedy recovery.