If you are not a busy mom, I’m sure you know at least one. Let’s face it, some days are just insanely busy.
Some days we lose our patience. And some days we have to be away from our kids when we don’t want to be. Work, business travel, errands and other demands on our time can mean we aren’t around our kids as much as we’d like to in a perfect world. So the last thing you want to do is do something for YOU that takes you away from your kids, right? I hear you. But one thing you never need to feel guilty about is taking time for your workouts.
You really need to schedule your workouts like you schedule an appointment. Mark them up in your calendar. Your kids will grow up knowing that you value exercise. They need to hear you talk about strength, cardio and healthy eating. And they will even workout with you and actually value the example you set for them.
But if you still fall into the trap of skipping your workouts because you can’t take time away from the kids, reframe your thinking and say Bye Bye to the mommy guilt! Here’s how.
1. Change your thinking.
Don’t view exercise as just another demand on your time. Switch your thinking and view exercise as an investment in your health. You want to be around as long as possible for your kids, right? Exercise is something within your control that you can choose to do to stay healthy. Exercise also increases your energy, boosts mental clarity, helps you sleep and puts you in a better mood—all amazing benefits that can make you an even more AWESOME mom. And aren’t you worth it?
2. Go for NO EXCUSES.
I know moms face overloaded schedules and mounting To Do lists, but don’t let lack of time or the pressure to be a perfect mom put you in the land of excuses this year. Be a little tougher on yourself and tell yourself that if your health is important to you … you will create the time or make the time. Leave excuses behind and let your actions show that your family’s health is a priority. It begins with you!
3. Have a plan.
Know when you are going to exercise ahead of time. Before you go to bed at night have your exercise plan in place for the next day. Lay out your clothes and a snack the night before so you’re ready to get moving when it’s time to workout. You know your schedule requires some finesse but you are a master juggler and you’ve got this!
Say: I can do this! A little positive thought can go a long way.
4. Workout at home.
No time to drive to the gym? Workout where you are…at home. Skip the time it takes to drive to the gym, change clothes, shower, do your hair, pack and unpack, and more. Get your workouts done efficiently at home before you even leave the house!
5. Become an early bird.
Some women I know workout before the sun comes up when their husband and kids are still at home. Would this work for you? It can be nice to get your workouts done first thing in the morning because it sets you up for success throughout the day by starting out on the right foot.
BONUS. Workout with your kids.
Are your kids old enough? When you’re working out at home, ask your kids to join in! Get your kids their own yoga mats and have them follow along to your routine with you. Of course, encourage them to modify the exercises and only do what they want to, but you might be surprised at how much fun they have!