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6 new 6 pack exercises

Use a jump rope cable that you usually use for triceps. Pull the cable down with both hands to your shoulders with your elbows bent. Kneel on the floor on one knee, this is your starting position. From this position, gently straighten your arms up. Maintain this position for a few seconds then return to your starting position. Execute 10 repetitions on each knee. See picture below.

half kneeling vertical pallof press

5. Knees to chest with resistance band – Very similar to the TRX suspension training, but a little more strenuous! Lower the resistance band somewhere to the height of a drawbar and slot your feet in. Face down and push yourself up onto your hands as if your were starting a push-up. This is your starting position. Then bring your legs into your chest by bending your knees. Complete 15 repetitions. Choose a suitable band! See picture below.


jackknife trx

6. Crunches using an Ab-wheel diagonally – This is the classic exercise ab-roller (wheel for crunches). Get in a kneeling push-up position like the plank but with your knees resting on the ground. Roll the wheel in a diagonally curved line to each side rather than straight forward and without moving your hips. Repeat for a minimum of 10 repetitions on each side. See picture below.

diagonal wheel rollouts

Let me know how it works for you! If you want me to be your personal trainer, just contact me here or on facebook.

Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!


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  1. Buna ….mi se par interesante ………abia astsa-p incer pe cel din plank …..insa nu-l inteleg pe 3 ( nu vad , nu simt ca lucreaza abs din mers :):)) ……si pe 4 ….ambele sunt pt abs ???o seara faina !

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