Every girl on this planet want to have a pair of sexy arms and shoulders, right? I know you want it, and you want it NOW! So here are the best and easiest exercises to tone up those arms and shoulders, in no time at all!
Whilst you are toning your arms, you are also giving your shoulders, back, chest and core that little extra exercise as well.
It is important to have a sexy sculpted set of arms to really compliment your figure. With these exercises, not only are they fun, but, they can be performed at home or the gym! All you need is a small set of dumbbells.
SEE ALSO: GET GUNS: The Ultimate Workout For Bigger Arms!
So, grab a set of 2 to 3 pound dumbbells, do 20 to 30 reps of each move below in quick succession and repeat the entire sequence two to three times to see results.
1. Jumping Jacks With Overhead Dumbbell Press:

How to:
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand, and stand with your feet together.
- Lift the dumbbells just above your shoulders with your palms facing forward.
- From this position, jump your feet apart as you simultaneously extend your arms straight up into a V shape.
- Jump back to start to complete one rep.
What it works: Your shoulders, back, and legs.
2. Biceps Curl:

How to:
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand, and stand with your feet together.
- Let the weight hang along your sides with your palms facing forward.
- Keeping your elbows close to your sides, engage your biceps, and curl the weights straight up in front of your body and in toward your shoulders.
- Release with control to complete one rep.
What it works: Your biceps.
3. Speed Bags:

How to:
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand, and stand with your feet together and knees soft.
- Lift the weights up to chest-height with your elbows out to the sides and fists facing forward.
- Imagining a target is a few inches in front of you, alternate punching straight forward with your left hand, then your right hand.
- After each punch, circle your fist in toward your body to round up for the next punch. As you punch, hop from one foot to the other.
- Continue alternating feet and punching arm.
READ: 6 Moves to Work Your Arms to Exhaustion
What it works: Your arms, shoulders, and legs.
4. Outward Curl:

How to:
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand, and stand with your feet together and knees soft.
- Let the weights hang along your sides with your palms facing outward.
- Keeping your elbows close to your body, curl the weights out to the sides and in toward your shoulders.
- Release with control to complete one rep.
What it works: Your biceps.
5. Ins-and-Outs With Weights:

How to:
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your elbows bent about 90 degrees, your palms facing up, and the dumbbells out to your sides.
- Stand with your feet together.
- Without dropping the weights, jump your feet apart to a wide stance.
- Jump your feet back together to complete one rep.
What it works: Your legs and biceps.
6. Alternating Kickbacks:

How to:
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing each other.
- Keeping your arms near your sides, bend both elbows to bring the dumbbells in toward your shoulders.
- Then, lift your right foot off the ground and take a large step diagonally behind your left leg.
- As you step backward, extend your elbows and drive both dumbbells straight back behind you.
- Curl the dumbbells back up to your shoulders as you push through the sole of your right foot and bring both feet together.
- Then repeat on the opposite side to complete one rep.
- Continue alternating.
MUST SEE: 5 Exercises You Can Do Right At Home To Say Goodbye To Flabby Arms
What it works: Your butt, thighs, biceps, and triceps.
7. Arm Swings:

How to:
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your elbows locked and your palms facing each other.
- Stand with your feet together and knees slightly bent.
- Then, bend forward about 45 degrees and direct your gaze to a point a few feet in front of your toes.
- Keeping your shoulders away from your ears and your core engaged, swing your left arm straight up in front of you as you swing your right arm straight up behind you to maximise the distance between the dumbbells.
- Reverse your arms to complete one rep.
What it works: Your shoulders, chest, back, and triceps.
8. Reverse Fly:

How to:
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing each other and your elbows soft. Stand with your feet together and knees slightly bent.
- Then, bend forward about 45 degrees as you let your arms hang straight down.
- Engage your core as you extend both arms straight out to the sides to maximise the distance between the dumbbells.
- With control, bring your arms back down to the starting position.
- That’s one rep.
What it works: Your chest and back.
RELATED: One Of The Best Arms Workout Ever
9.Upright Row With Overhead Dumbbell Press:

How to:
- Grab a dumbbell in each hand, and stand with your legs slightly wider than hips-width apart and your knees soft.
- Let your arms hang down in front of your thighs with your palms facing the body.
- From this position, drive your elbows out to the sides until your upper arms are parallel to the ground.
- Without dropping your elbows, lift the dumbbells straight up until your palms are facing forward.
- Next, press the dumbbells straight up to the sky.
- To reverse the movement, bring your elbows back down to shoulders-height, lower the weights to turn your palms to face behind you, and then drop the weights down in front of your body.
- That’s one rep.
What it works: Your shoulders, chest, and back.
10. Overhead Triceps Pulses:

How to:
- Start with your feet together and a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing each other.
- Lift your right foot off the ground and take a large step diagonally behind your left leg.
- Press the dumbbells together and bring them up over your head with your elbows bent about 90 degrees and stacked above your shoulders.
- Keeping your shoulders directly over your hips, bend both knees as you simultaneously lower your body and bring the weights down a few inches.
- Then, push up through your left heel and right toes to raise your body and the weights up a few inches.
- That’s one rep.
What it works: Your triceps, butt, and thighs.