Getting to a healthy place can sometimes seem overwhelming, especially with the stress of our busy lives. It seems like there’s never enough time to get everything done that we want to, and that includes finding time to workout, create healthy meal plans, and get enough rest.
Fortunately, there are several small ways you can change your daily routine that will allow you to get on a healthy track, and they don’t take up too much time. It’s important to think about the whole picture when you’re making these changes, so you can take care of your mind and soul as well as your body.
Here are a few of the best ways to do just that.
Stay hydrated
Making sure you’re drinking enough water is imperative, especially if you’re going to start a new exercise routine. A good daily rule is to fill a large reusable water bottle and bring it with you everywhere you go, sipping all day, so you’ll have a good idea of how much you’re drinking. How much you need depends on your activities and body type, but at least 64 ounces is a good start.
READ: This Is Why You Should Never Drink Cold Water
And while on the topic of hydration, it’s important to mention that you should avoid overdoing it when it comes to alcohol. Too much alcohol consumption is bad for your physical and mental health. It leaves your body dehydrated, can damage your liver, and can worsen symptoms of depression. Sure, a social drink with friends or family here and there is perfectly fine, just don’t overdo it. Know the signs of addiction, and if you think have a problem with alcohol or a friend or family member has mentioned their concern, it may be time to seek help.
READ: What Happens to Your Body When You Don’t Drink Enough Water
Get some sleep
It may not seem as easy as all that, but if you stay up late and get up early, you’re going to burn out pretty quickly. Set a reasonable bedtime and stick to it, and turn off your phone, laptop, and television at least an hour before lying down; screens of all kinds can interrupt your sleep cycle and make it harder for you to fall off.
READ: What your sleeping position says about your love life
Work in a workout
You don’t have to belong to a fancy gym to get a good workout in; get creative and use what you have, such as a staircase you can run up and down. You might also consider different forms of exercise, such as yoga or swimming. These can be done at any time of the year, no matter what the weather is like, if you have a YMCA or public indoor pool near you.
READ: 12 Week No-Gym Home Workout Plan!
If you have pets, you can also combine your workout with caring for them. Take the dog on an extra long walk, or go to the beach or dog park and run around with him for an hour or two.
Pack your lunch
Bringing your lunch to work will not only keep you eating well, it will save you money. Eating fast food just once a week could cost you over a hundred dollars a year, so plan for some healthy meals and make them on Sunday night, then freeze them for the week. You can check Pinterest for some great meal ideas.
It’s also a good idea to bring your own snacks from home rather than relying on that vending machine in the breakroom. Keep small resealable bags filled with whole grain pretzels, nuts, and fruit at your desk and skip the candy bars.
Finding small ways to incorporate healthy habits into your lifestyle doesn’t have to be difficult or overwhelming. Follow these steps and create your own in order to find the perfect balance.