Do you remember a time when you could eat just about anything in any amount, and it would never show up on the scale. Do not fret; many individuals deal with slower metabolism for some reason or another, but there is hope for rejuvenating your metabolic rate in order to start up your weight loss. You simply need to know what exactly you’re dealing with in regard to metabolism, and of course, the right food and drink choices that will do the job efficiently.
Metabolism—what is it and why it’s important stay vigilant?
Metabolism, first of all, is the process in which chemicals break down in order to sustain life for cells in the body. What is not widely known is that it actually consists of two subcategories of processes called catabolism, which involves nutrients are broken down to release energy, and anabolism is the part of the process that relates to the fusion of materials to nourish the cells in the body.
The food and beverages that you take in provides the catalyst for this process to occur. Each class of nutrient plays its own important role in building DNA and RNA, using and expelling energy, and basically just keeping the body alive and functioning at optimum condition. Here are the main types and their purposes in the metabolic process:
SEE ALSO: Sluggish Metabolism? Take this Supplement to Amp Up your Metabolism a Notch or Two
- Carbohydrates—found in a vast array of foods and in varying degrees—from vegetables to legumes to baked goods to pasta. Carbs occur in three modes, which are sugar, starch, and fiber. While fiber provides the most of the volume, the energy source that “burns” the fastest comes from starch and sugar.
- Protein—contains amino acids which are cell-building substances and another important source of energy. The eight amino acids utilized by the body are tryptophan, lysine, valine, methionine, threonine, phenylalanine, leucine, and isoleucine. These can be found in meat and dairy foods and some vegetables and grains.
- Fats—stores for energy that is not immediately used, as well as insulates and protects some organs. Fat generates double the energy compared to carbohydrates and protein, which could be why exercise is important to any weight loss program. Essential fatty acids (unsaturated fat) need to be acquired through food consumption.
- Vitamins and minerals—the body cannot produce these substances that are essential to metabolism and overall function; therefore they are obtained through diet or supplements. In regard to metabolism, specifically, Vitamin A, riboflavin, and niacin are important. Minerals, on the other hand are crucial to metabolic pathways and regulating certain bodily functions. Some important minerals include calcium, potassium, zinc, and magnesium—among many others.
As you can tell, there are many biochemical compounds and elements that play vital roles in the body’s sustainability, and metabolism makes use of all of those substances in way or another.
READ: Use This Secret To Sleep Better, Burn More Fat & Boost Metabolism
Foods and Drinks that hinder metabolism
Metabolism does not slow down in a short amount of time; rather, this can occur over a period of years due to many different factors, such as age, health condition, and/or habits. Thus, you would still need to be careful of what kind of food and beverage choices you make because you might end up hindering your own weight loss efforts without even being aware…that is, until you step on the scale.