Our hormones can be difficult to deal with at times, but it’s because of them that our different bodily systems have the ability to talk to each other. With that said, you may or may not know the symptoms associated with thyroid disorders. They are the most dominant of the endocrine disorders.
These types of disorders are the direct cause of the dysfunction of the hormone messengers, and Hypothyroidism which affects 4.6% of the US population, and hyperthyroidism which impacts 1.2% are the most common.
In order for healing to begin while being treated, it is essential to address the root causes that could be at play. Continue reading to learn about the signs, symptoms, causes & treatment of every thyroid disorder.
With low thyroid hormone in the blood, many of the body’s systems slow down. So another symptom would be a lack of energy, sluggish and becoming tired very easily. If your body doesn’t have a working metabolism, which slows down with this disorder, the body temperature is affected and people become cold. A slow metabolism can also lead to constipation, which is another telltale symptom.
READ: How to activate your hormones for weight loss
Hyperthyroidism: This thyroid disorder is the total opposite of hypothyroidism. Hyperthyroidism means that there is too much thyroid hormone in the blood. Also different is how it affects the, metabolism, unlike hypothyroidism this disorder speeds up the metabolism. Those who experience hyperthyroidism will feel very anxious, nervous and irritated because their system is on hyper drive. This may also cause people to have trouble sleeping and may also experience muscle weakness.
Cause of Thyroid Disorders: In some cases, these disorders are due to the body’s immune system mistaking thyroid glands cells and their enzymes as attackers to the system. This type of hypothyroidism disease is called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Hyperthyroidism can be caused by the development of nodules on the thyroid that will grow and increase the input of the thyroid hormone.
How to Detect and Treat These Disorders: If you or someone you know is developing symptoms that were mentioned above, doctors will conduct blood work to confirm if the thyroid hormones are within range. The treatment for thyroid disorders normally includes the prescription of a synthetic hormone called levothyroxine. Also, anti-thyroid drugs that block production of your own thyroid hormones may also be used.
Certain key factors that play a big role include leaky gut, diet, toxins, infection, and stress. So if practitioners suspect the disorder may be autoimmune in nature, than food sensitivities, especially gluten, and digestion are looked at. In order to function properly, the thyroid needs several key nutrients.
So it is possible that addressing nutrient deficiencies, such as selenium and zinc, may be a factor in treatment. Other hormones, like cortisol and the sex hormones, should also be tested due to the integrated nature of the endocrine system.