
Product Defects and How They Can Affect Your Health

Defective products can cause a significant number of injuries to consumers every year. If you’ve been injured by a product you purchased, you may be able to pursue a legal claim against the party responsible for your injuries. If you think you’ve been harmed by a defective product, here’s what you need to know about them.

What Is a Product Defect?

Keep in mind, thousands of injuries are caused each year by dangerous or defective products. These products come from all varieties of consumer goods, from children’s products to electronics and vehicles. While getting injured from a product is most likely to happen with a product defect, product liability laws provide that manufacturers are duty-bound to safeguard consumers from possible hazards.

The three main types of product defects include:

1. Design Defect

This type of defect happens when there’s a flaw in the way the product was made. These types of defects can be incredibly hazardous because of the inherent flaw in the product. An example of this is an electric blanket that can electrocute you when used.

2.         Manufacturing Defect

This type of defect arises when there’s something wrong in the manufacturing process and this causes the product manufacturing to vary from the original design. An example of this is a vehicle that is missing one of its parts.

3. Warning Defect

This type of defect is based on the premise that even though the product did not have a manufacturing or design defect, it can still be considered defective and dangerous if it fails to give an enough warning regarding the hazards to the buying public.

How Can Product Defects Affect Your Health?

Remember that dangerous or defective products can threaten your health and the health of your family. More often, injuries arising from these circumstances are not a matter of chance because these can be foreseen beforehand. Here’s how these items can affect your health:

1. Defects of motor vehicles

Defective designs and manufacture of motor vehicles can cause accidents, and in turn, minor to major injuries may be sustained, affecting your emotional, financial and physical well-being. Automobiles with design or manufacture defects can kill you.

2. Product defects found in pharmaceuticals and medical equipment

Defects in pharmaceuticals and medical devices can also result in some injuries and health complications. For instance, there are dangerous medications which can lead to overdose and other health risks. Like other product defects, these can also cause death to thousands of consumers every year.

3. Defective toys and children’s products

There are instances when toys and other children’s products are defective because of excessive lead content. There can be a risk of choking, poison, and even suffocation when children are exposed to these hazardous items. Due to these circumstances, these products can increase the risk of tragic death and injuries to infants and children.

4. Dangerous products such as cigarettes

Like other defective products, dangerous ones such as cigarettes can also predispose you to a variety of health problems such as cardiovascular diseases, heart illnesses, and stroke.

If you’ve been harmed by a defective product, you should consider filing a personal injury claim against the party at fault. From there, you may also think of contacting an experienced personal injury lawyer like the one here, who can help you understand the available legal action you can take.

Timothy Garret

Timothy is a budding law writer who enjoys all aspect of the law industry. He’s currently studying to become a lawyer and is applying his law knowledge into what he writes about. He spends time with his friends and swimming in his spare time.

Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!

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