If you are reading this, you are probably one of the many people who suffers from knee pain.
Chronic knee pain due to arthritis is a very common medical condition that can be experienced by older adults, young adults and even children. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that by age 85, half of all people, and 2 out of 3 obese individuals, will develop a chronic knee condition.
READ: 3 Easy Resistance Band Exercises To Reduce Knee Pain
Arthritis can occur well before the age of 85. The pain experienced is due to a loss of space between your bones that cartilage provides. It’s actually become a rule of thumb, that it is best to stop running after the age of 4, as this can cause premature stress and aging of the knees. If you are beginning to suffer from knee pain, or have felt the debilitating effects of arthritis in your knees for some time, you might be surprised to learn there is an amazingly simple stretching technique, shown in the following video, which can be extremely helpful. It is also a great stretch as a preventative for knee pain, as it provides a way to create space between the bones in this joint, that is necessary for healthy and pain-free mobility.
READ: The Best Exercises to Strengthen Your Knees and Ankles
Check out video below:
Make sure you follow the instructions and the knee pain might go away!.