
These Are The Steps To A Banging Bootylicious Brazilian Butt

Bubble Brazilian Butt Workout

If you are a girl, you defo need and want a juicy bubble butt, for every man to stare at it, right?

Brazilian butt workouts are strength training exercises that focus on the area surrounding your glutes. These muscles include the large gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius, which is on the outside of the hip /pelvic area and the gluteus minimus which is a fan shaped muscle that sits just underneath the gluteus medius.

Movements performed by Brazilian butt workouts focus on strengthening these muscles, which leads to more definition and a leaner look

The butt is a muscle that can be targeted, worked and made shapelier. To firm, shape, lift and tone your glutes do the following exercises at least 2 times a week (on non-consecutive days) in addition to your legs workout.


Beginners should aim for two sets of ten to 15 repetitions. Advanced do two sets of 20 repetitions.

1. Kneeling Glute Lift With Pulses


  • Kneel on all fours.
  • Lift your left knee off the floor and flex your left foot (this is the starting position).
  • Raise your left knee several inches higher, then lower it in a controlled movement back to the starting position.
  • Complete one set of pulses and then hold the top position for several seconds.
  • Perform your second set.
  • Repeat with the right leg.

SEE: Get An Improved Booty With This IRON GLUTES 30 Days Challenge

TIP: Don’t hyper-extend (over arch) your lower back.

2. Single Leg Bridge


  • Lie on your back, bend your left leg and place your foot on the floor.
  • Extend your right leg at a 45º angle and keep your knees together.
  • Lift your bottom up off the floor.

READ: 5 Powerful Glutes Exercises You Need To Be Doing

  • Lower your bottom back down towards the ground, don’t let it touch the floor.
  • Repeat one set on the left, then switch over to the right.

TIP: Make sure you keep your hips level.

3. Resistance Band Crab Walk


  • Stand with both feet on top of an exercise band.
  • Cross the resistance band in front of your legs and hold the ends of the band.
  • With your back straight and your shoulders back, take one step sideways, whilst keeping your legs straight.

READ: 5 Glutes Exercises Better Than Squats

  • Bring your feet back together, then step towards the other side.

TIP: Use controlled movements and always keep tension in the exercise band.

4. Squat With Kickback


  • Stand with your legs shoulder width apart and your arms at your sides.
  • Move into a squat position and put your weight on your heels
  • Lift up your right leg straight behind you, while keeping your hips pointing forward (don’t twist them to the side) and extending arms forward.
  • Return to starting position and switch sides.

TIP: Keep your back straight and look straight ahead throughout the range of motion

5. Standing Side Kicks


  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
  • With your hands on your hips, bend forward slightly for balance and lift your right leg off the floor.

READ: Enhance Your Glutes

  • Bend the lifted leg and then extend your leg out to your side.
  • Aim to do a full set before lowing your leg.
  • Then switch sides.

TIP: If you struggle to keep your balance, hold onto a fixed object for stability.

6. Explosive Lunges


  • Stand with your feet apart and your hands resting on your hips.
  • Take a step (lunge) forward with your right leg.
  • Your front knee should be bent at a 90 degree angle and be align over your ankle.
  • Jump and switch legs in midair. You should land with your left leg in a forward lunge.

TIP: Keep your upper body tall.

Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!

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