
This Remedy May Help You Unclog Arteries Without Surgery

Natural Remedies

Heart Bypass

Heart bypass, or what the doctor calls coronary artery bypass surgery, and a few other medical jargons, is a dreaded term. While we’re not too concerned over the terms themselves, we are scared of having to associate with them. By the time we realize we need this procedure, it may be too late to avoid surgery. So, it is always wise to be proactive.

Blocked arteries is the problem. For a very brief amount of time, the arteries are blocked because of the hardening and thickening of the artery walls. The main culprits? The excessive intake of fats, white sugar, and high-cholesterol foods. When the arteries are blocked, blood flow is restricted. Thus, over time, this may trigger a heart attack or stroke. Some common symptoms of blocked arteries include tiredness, acute discomfort in the center or left of the chest, frequent bouts of indigestion, heartburn, a tightening of the jaws, general irritability, and a general lack of enthusiasm, especially for physical activities.

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However, there are natural remedies for blocked arteries, or for that matter, preventive remedies. Please read on

Healthy Diet and Exercise are the Most Important

You are what you eat, and you are what you do. Proper diet and regular exercise is key, and there is no other way to stay healthy. Generally, drink fresh fruit juices over the processed kind. Eat more healthy grains, nuts, and vegetables.

To reduce or prevent artery and vein blockages, follow the below tips:

  • Reduce junk foods and processed foods in your diet.
  • Eat garlic, which is excellent for for improving blood circulation, clearing arteries, and flushing out toxic waste. Add a clove of garlic into your fresh juices. It won’t be that smelly.
  • Make juice from: apple cider vinegar, honey, lemons, oranges, melons, carrots, grapefruit. and pineapples. You can blend this.
  • Eat more fish, pumpkin seeds, and brown rice.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Engage in regular physical exercise, yoga, and qigong.

For home remedies, please read on.

SEE ALSO: The Best Remedies to Get Rid of Spider Veins

Of course, if you don’t feel comfortable with your health, you should consult your doctor first.

Method #1

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Lemon juice, 1 cup
  • Ginger juice, 1cup
  • Garlic juice, 1 cup
  • Apple cider vinegar, 1 cup


  1. Mix all of the above, and boil for half hour, or until it is reduced to around 3 cups.
  2. Let it cool, then mix in 3 cups of natural honey.
  3. Transfer to glass bottles, and keep it in fridge.
  4. Every morning, before breakfast, take one tablespoon. It’s that simple!

Method #2

What you’ll need:

  • 6 peeled lemons, cut into small pieces.
  • 30 cloves garlic, chopped into small pieces.


  1. Place the above into a food processor or blender, top up with adequate water, and blend.
  2. Pour the mix into a pot and add 2 litres of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for another five minutes.
  3. When cooled, sieve the liquid and transfer into glass bottle. Discard the residue.
  4. Store in fridge.

Directions for consumption:

  1. For your first dosage: drink 50ml each day for three weeks.
  2. Then, stop for one week.
  3. For your second dosage: drink 50ml each day for the next three weeks.

You may repeat this treatment every six months.

Black Fungus Can Cure Blocked Arteries?

  • You may be interested to learn that it’s been reported that black fungus can also cure blocked arteries.

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The information provided in this article is sourced from the Internet, friends, contacts, and from personal experience. As I cautioned in my article, not every remedy will work on everyone, much like conventional medical treatments. Everyone’s body is different and we all have different conditions and variables.

This article does not claim that the information provided is totally accurate and reliable and that it will cure everyone. The purpose of this article is merely to inform visitors that there are alternative cures for all ailments.

It is therefore advised that you always consult your registered medical physician before starting any new treatment or with general questions.


Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!

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