Are you trying to decide which pair of glasses will suit your face shape best? You need to find a style that helps you to feel confident about yourself, and that means knowing which styles suit which face shapes. First, you need to be aware of what shape your face is, so let’s read on to learn more.
Face Shapes – An Overview
There are six face shapes that everybody fits into. Here is an overview of all six types and their features so you can identify which one you are:
- Square – a broad chin and forehead and an angular, wide jaw.
- Round – chin, cheeks, and forehead are of similar width and length with a soft jawline and cheekbones.
- Heart- a narrow chin, wide forehead, and prominent cheekbones.
- Oval – narrow chin and forehead with wide, high cheekbones and a subtle curve to the jaw.
- Diamond – narrow chin and forehead, full cheeks, and wide cheekbones.
- Triangle – wide chin and jaw and a narrow forehead.
Of course, virtually nobody has a face that is perfectly round, oval, or square, but if you can get an idea of the basic shape of your face, you can choose the right glasses for you.
Determining The Shape Of Your Face
Look in a mirror to identify your features.
- First, examine your jaw – is it angular or curved?
- Next, examine your forehead – does it look narrow or wide?
- Finally, examine your cheekbones – are they prominent or soft?
The answers to these three questions should help you determine your face shape.
Best Glasses For A Square Face
Choose thinner, rounded frames wider than the cheekbones. Round frames will contrast well with your angular features, while oval frames will balance and soften the lines of your face. Choosing colored frames will also draw attention to your eyes.
Best Glasses For A Round Face
Choose frames that will add definition to your round features. Angular, bold glasses are best with geometric or rectangular frames that will contrast with your facial structure and create balance. Cats eye and browline frames will draw more attention to the eyes.
Best Glasses For A Heart Shaped Face
Choose wide or winged-out frames that are slightly wider than your forehead but with a round base to complement and balance your features. Oval or rectangular frames balance the space between your chin and forehead, while round frames soften your angular features. Aviator frames, meanwhile, add contrast and width.
Best Glasses For A Triangular Face
Choose frames that have a narrower bottom and a wider top to compliment and contrast with your features. Frames that mix angular and round shapes work best. Aviators, browline and cats eye glasses all work well for this face shape.
Best Glasses For An Oval Face
Choose frames as wide as your face’s widest part and that with angles that are sharp to bring definition to your soft curves. Rectangular or square glasses work well, as do frames with geometric shapes. Wide browline frames also compliment this face shape.
Best Glasses For A Diamond-Shaped Face
Frames that are curved and have delicate lines work particularly well with a diamond-shaped faced. Oval and round frames contrast well with the defined chin and forehead and balance the angular features out. Browline and cats eye frames also draw the eyes up to the browline.
Finding The Perfect Glasses For You
Now that you have this helpful guide, you’re in the best position to select the perfect frames to compliment your face shape. However, sometimes you just need to experiment and go with what you like best! Follow this link: and find discounts on some of the most fashionable and stylish frames on the market today. You’re sure to find something that suits your face, your style, and your pocket!