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My Tried and Tested Way to Losing Weight after Pregnancy

Get in shape FitMom

You had just given birth and got all that extra bulges to lose? You might be thinking that losing those extra inches is as painful as labor, but it’s easier than you think. A woman usually gains 25-35 pounds during pregnancy. After delivery, there will remain about 10-25 lbs. of that weight. Is there a way to lose that?

Cheer up! Unless you are already obese before you get pregnant, chances are you can still lose that “baby fat.” For women who have just given birth, the “diet and exercise” advice just won’t suffice. You need to practice a total lifestyle overhaul. You can’t just deprive yourself of food and exercise till you drop. You are sustaining a baby, so you’ve got to treat your body right. For starters, you can try these:


Nothing beats breastfeeding if you are looking for the most effective weight loss solution post-partum. Breastfeeding is the easiest and the fastest route. During your first months after delivery, try to breastfeed exclusively and on demand. Don’t expect to know everything about how to breastfeed by instinct. So if you are one of those new moms that are still struggling with breastfeeding; find some help. Check if you need assistance from a lactation consultant. You’ll need to breastfeed effectively to enable your body to burn all that calories.

READ: Top Cardio Exercises For A Ripped Body

2. Move around

All that late nights spent breastfeeding your baby weigh you down? You’ve got to move around during the daytime. You might think you are giving yourself a favor by lying in bed all day, but it is the opposite. You’ve got to flex those muscles, or they will wither. Likewise, exercise can significantly improve your mood and help with your recovery.

3. Walking

Are you confining yourself to the four corners of your house during your first months after delivery? Perhaps you are afraid to leave your baby at home, or he got no nanny.

Why not bring your child with you during your walks? The right type of jogging or all-terrain stroller can enable you to tag along with your little tot. Some of these buggies are even sturdy enough for long distance run or off-road travels.

SEE: 15 Minutes of Walking a Day Can Change Your Body

4. Swimming

Swimming is also an excellent way to exercise and relax at the same time. Not only does it help you to move but it can also aid you to get back in shape faster. Just 30 minutes of activity every day can get your heart pumping, thereby improving your stamina and metabolism.


Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!

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