
Foods that help fix calcium in the bones and prevent osteoporosis

Foods that help fix calcium in the bones and prevent osteoporosis

Sedentariness, a poor calcium diet, fast food, caffeine and diseases such as osteoporosis sensitize the bone system and increase the risk of fractures.

Exercise, dairy products, cheeses and eggs can help you have healthy bones.

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One of the biggest enemies of the bone system is osteoporosis, a disease that usually has endocrine causes and can occur in both women and men. Prolonged immobilization, products containing caffeine and fast food are also factors that weaken the bones.

Exercise and drink milk daily

Sedentariness is one of the reasons that can lead to bone sensitivity. “In the absence of physical demand, the body takes calcium from the bones to use it for other purposes. Walking and physical exercise are recommended for at least one hour every day.

Those who work for a long time in the office should do gymnastics five to ten minutes every hour,” recommends Marius Filip, an orthopaedist at the University Emergency Hospital in Bucharest.
And a poor calcium diet affects the bones. Doctors advise you to consume two cups of milk every day, 150-200 grams of cheese, cottage cheese, curd or whey cheese and 150 grams of boiled meats.

People who do not have cholesterol problems can also eat an egg every day.
“Those who have high cholesterol can eat an egg every two or three days. Boiled beef is recommended for bones because it contains cartilage that has hyaluronic acid.

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It helps to restore cartilage and to fix calcium in the bones,” says Mihaela Ionescu, specialist in diabetes and nutrition diseases at the N. Paulescu Institute in Bucharest.

Also, fruits and vegetables contain enzymes that help fix calcium in the bones.
Instead, chocolate, cocoa, coffee and soft drinks prevent calcium absorption in the body and are especially dangerous for children. Neither fast-food, chips nor soft drinks should be eaten by children. They contain antimetabolites, chemicals that give these foods their taste, but prevent the absorption of calcium and iron.

To fix calcium in the bones and to prevent rickets, children need vitamin D. This can be taken from fish lard or fish oil supplements, which are also found in herbal stores. Also for bone health, doctors advise you to spend time moderately in the sun. Bones also become fragile due to osteoporosis. This disease may occur in postmenopausal women, which is why endocrine tests are recommended after this age.

Sex hormone deficiency, risk of fractures

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Osteoporosis may also occur due to a shortage of sex hormones in both women and men. “Other causes of osteoporosis are hyperthyroidism and growth hormone deficiency in adults, more difficult to diagnose in Romania,” explains Luiza Vitan, an endocrinologist at the Grigore Alexandrescu Hospital Ambulatory. Medicines, vitamin D, calcium and physical exercise can prevent osteoporosis.
When women reach menopause, their oestrogen levels drop significantly. Oestrogen is important to new bone production because it supports osteoblasts, which are bone-producing cells. Without oestrogen, osteoblasts can’t produce enough new bone, and eventually, osteoclasts (bone-absorbing cells) overpower them. That’s why post-menopausal women are at a high risk for osteoporosis.

In men, testosterone protects bone. When testosterone levels drop, it can lead to bone loss.


Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!

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