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Improve Your Metabolism With These 10 Minutes Morning Rituals

Morning Rituals To Boost Metabolism

Do these 10 minutes morning rituals to improve your metabolim and your body will thank you!

You can gave a great day by beginning your morning with these 10 minutes rituals that will improve your metabolism and will charge your mind and body.

Here are some simple things to do every morning before you go to work!

1. Drink lemon water with a pinch of cayenne pepper. This drink will adjust your PH levels, will stimulate the metabolism and will flush out the toxins in your body. It’s the best way to start your day! You’ll feel fresh and ready to face the stress of another day at work.



2. Meditate. Studies have shown that meditation is a very complex process that helps the mind and also the body to achieve balance. Take a sit in your favourite place at home and remain quiet for 10 minutes. Just reflect and try to empty the mind, to quiet the voices in your head.

Don’t try too hard, just be still and everything will fall into place. Meditation will help you relieve the stress and improve the way your body works.

3. Do a quick workout. Maybe the best time to do your workouts is in the morning, since it will expand your blood stream and will make you feel stimulated. This habit will definitely improve your metabolism and also the way you feel throughout the day.


4. Do some breathing exercises. Deep breathing exercises can activate the metabolism. These exercises increase oxygen flow through the body, essential for fat burn and cellular efficiency. Place one hand on your chest, sit tall and inhale through your nose. Make sure that the shoulders move back, the chest expands and the abdominal wall expands during your breath. Exhale through your mouth.

Repeat this exercise several times for the best benefits of cellular oxygenation. HERE you cand find precious informations about breathing and training!

Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!

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  1. I just started, walking the way that you are presenting: Begin my day with lemon&cayenne drink .Meditation, healthy food choices and breathig

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