
8 Popular Weight Loss Tricks Tested, Here’s What Worked

Weight Loss Trends. What Works and What Doesn’t?

Going on a weight loss journey, whether it be your first time or 10th can be a tiring and discouraging especially if you’re not getting the results you were looking for.

What is even worse is that there are a ton of strategies out there that can hinder your efforts. Because there are so many different strategies and people telling you what works, it’s difficult to know what to trust.

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With that said, below are some of the top weight loss tricks that are circling society and the internet and whether or not they will work.

Measure Your Weight on a Daily Basis: How you value yourself should never be determined by a number on a scale. There is no wrong way for your body, and even a healthy weight can fluctuate between 2-5 pounds throughout the day

This type of trick can also expose an obsessive personality that you may have. Be your number one supporter. Research has shown that when we focus on just losing weight rather than be fixated on a certain number, we have better luck in reaching our goals. The verdict on this trick is that it is bad advice!

Eat A Lot of Mini-Meals Throughout the Day: Many people think that if they substitute the three major meals we’re required to eat per day with many small meals, they will lose weight.

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The best way to dissect this trick is with pure facts. Research shows that eating five to six meals a day is no better than consuming a solid three meals. In fact, studies have also shown that eating more frequently has also increase the desire to eat more. The verdict would be that if you enjoy prepping more meals and wasting more time, go for it. But it will not provide you with the results you’re looking for.

Cooking from Scratch: The type we food we choose to eat has the biggest impact on maintaining healthy weight. So not only does cooking from scratch give us control over the ingredients we’re going to consume, but preparing a meal actually transforms us from a consumer to a producer.

Not only do you have the power over the ingredients you’re consuming, but you also have the power of how much you’re actually going to eat. When you purchase fast food or a meal at a restaurant, the portions have a one size fits all approach. The verdict behind this trick is if you want to escape dieting, then start making your meals from scratch!

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Start a Juice Cleanse: Consuming nutritious fruits and vegetables through the means of juicing is great for switching things up, but there is no way your body will be able to sustain that weight loss on a daily basis.

Chances are once you go back to eating regular meals, that weight will come right back. It’s a great trick to detox your body if you’ve been slacking off, but by no means is it a great trick to live by day-to-day. The verdict on this trick is that it can be a great addition to your program, but is not a good choice for sustainable weight loss.

Snap a Picture: If you can find the time to send a picture of every meal you consume to a nutritionist, you would be incredibly dedicated to making your weight loss goal. Starting a meal diary might sound silly, but it will help you think more carefully of the foods you eat because your posting them.

This tip will help you generate more awareness to what you’re actually fueling your body with. The verdict behind this tip is that it can work. If you’re embarrassed about certain foods you might consume, take a picture of it and put in the caption “turned it down.”


Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!

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