
College Health and Fitness Tips for the Smart Student

Life in college can be overwhelming and hectic due to the academic pressure, social lifestyle and the need to fit in as a student. This may easily affect any student’s health in the long run. Living healthy and being a smart student, is a process that requires much more than just having a balanced meal and doing frequent training. In order to achieve and maintain a lifestyle that is healthy, one must be ready to change their mindset so as to get results that are long-term. This article seeks to give you a few steps that could possibly be your guide through college on how you can live a healthy lifestyle and be a smart student.

1. Sleeping on a good mattress

The recent study conducted by the National Sleep Foundation showed that at least 92 % of people agreed that a mattress that is comfortable is important for a good night’s sleep. As a smart student, investing in a good mattress is key because it helps to keep your spine properly aligned when you are asleep, therefore prevents pain in the joints and muscles. A mattress that is uncomfortable can affect your sleep negatively and thereby causing severe neck pain, shoulder, and backaches. As a college student, you need at least 7-8hours of good sleep. This will improve your overall health tremendously.

2. Eating high-fiber foods

In order to attain a healthy lifestyle, a smart student needs to increase the intake of foods rich in fiber. Such foods include:

  • breakfast that contains wholegrain cereals like wholegrain pasta, bread oats rye and barley, fruits like berries, pears, watermelon, and oranges,
  • vegetables like split peas, broccoli, carrots and sweet corn, beans, and pulses,
  • nuts and seeds,
  • potatoes with skin

Consuming such foods rich in dietary fiber, will not only boost your brain functions but also lower and maintain your blood sugar levels, reduce excess cholesterol in the body and prevent certain types of cancer as well.

3. Rowing machine workouts

It is important to find at least 20 minutes as your daily routine despite the busy college life to work out using a rowing machine. This is a cardio workout that improves your strength and explosive power generally. The rowing machine workout can help you to burn approximately 300 calories. Research reveals that this keeps the rate of your stroke rate between 26 and 32.The cardio workout also allows you to be in total control of the speed of your legs.

4. Playing Baseball  or Softball

Indulging in physical activities and outdoor games like baseball or softball can help you to maintain a great physique and generally a lifestyle that is healthy. Baseball and softball as sports can give you a lot of benefits like strengthening your heart muscles and also improving your lung capacity. This in effect also strengthens your legs and arms as well as improving your hand-eye coordination. So grab a glove, a ball and one of the best slowpitch bats here, and you’ll be on your way to burning excess fat, calories and also keeping your mind more alert.

Indulging in physical activities and outdoor games like baseball can help you to maintain a great physique and generally a lifestyle that is healthy. Baseball as a sport can give you a lot of benefits like strengthening your heart muscles and also improving your lung capacity. This in effect also strengthens your legs and arms as well as improving your hands and eyes coordination. Playing this sport helps you to burn excess fat, calories and also makes your mind to be more alert.

5. Playing Ukulele.

Ukulele is a remarkable music instrument that even Warren Buffet, one of the wealthiest and influential business tycoon does play. The instrument, being small and light, it is easy to carry around hence you can pack it and have it with you wherever and whenever. Learning how to play the Ukulele is quite easy and fun too. The Ukulele is affordable and pocket-friendly hence as a college student, you can readily afford one. The music it produces can help to reduce the levels of everyday stress, your physical health and can contribute to improving your mood as well.

In conclusion, for you to be able to be a good and smart student, investing in a quality mattress is a priority and not an option anymore. A good night’s rest will help your brain to be more alert during the day. Increasing the intake of foods that are rich in fiber is also healthy and is highly recommended. Working out using the rowing machine at least for 20 minutes as part of your daily routine is a good way of staying healthy. This coupled with playing a great sport like baseball will definitely help you achieve massive results in terms of your health and brain performance. Learning to play Ukulele is also a great way to reduce stress and boost your brain performance.

Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!

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