
Delicious Healthy Cakes to Enjoy the Healthy Life

Cakes are something which you can’t go without in your special occasions and celebrations. In the other words cakes are the completing our meal. In fact, cake is the healthiest option if taken in a adequate amount and at the right time. It is very difficult to control yourself from all the food items which are your favorite once if you are on diet. After health is most important than anything else because healthy person have the capability to perform all the task with full potential.

Here we are going to discuss about some of the interesting desserts ideas which are going be a very healthy option for those who can’t skip sweet. These desserts are healthy as well as tasty, but these desserts can be enjoyed in your snacks time or at the moment when you are craving for having something sweet. It’s totally depend on you that which type of dessert you want to try, you can find the alternative of the ingredients of your choice.

Pumpkin cake

The cake which nutritious as well as tasty to have, it will taste like your all cakes but the only difference is there is no other flavor is added. It may sound a tasteless cake but it’s actually not,

It will only made with original ingredients and it’s up to you in adding nuts to make it tastier. You can even make pumpkin pies, puddings, cupcakes and cookies also.

Avocado chocolate cake

Avocado  are best known for weight management, vitamin K and for other benefits also. Chocolate is good for blood circulation, for heart strokes and for weight loss also. If these two will make a perfect cake then what else you need.

White bean coconut cake

Yes, this is possible as a dessert. White beans are also known as navy beans and there are many type of white beans available in the market and all of them healthy. This cake is going to be the most healthiest option in a healthy dessert for the health conscious persons. For flavor you can add vanilla extract and for making it more attractive add some coconut in it.

Yogurt and cranberry cake

With having antibacterial properties which is best to improve digestive system and will provide calcium, potassium and many more benefits (you can search it on Google). Cranberries are rich in fruity taste and will add flavor to this healthy cake, both the ingredients are best to hold the moist texture in the cake. Not only the cranberries you can even add other fruits with yogurt to make a healthy dessert for summer.

Smoothies pop

Smoothies are the refreshing drinks which are made up of different flavor fruits and with vegetables also. If you find it difficult to drink, then you can freeze them until it turn into ice pops. By this it will look more attractive and these can be of any flavor like plum, strawberries, avocado and other fruits.

Almond and coconut fudge cake

Tasty and healthy cake to have in your dieting routine. In this fudge cake you only two ingredients which are almond and coconut, if you want to make it more delicious you can add dark chocolate in it but make sure the other ingredients won’t  affect the flavor of each other. This cake can be made for your mothers as a mother’s day cakes because it has the all the ingredients which are very beneficial in for their body and health for performing all their daily task.

Oatmeal bars

It may sound boring but trust you will be going to love this after knowing about these amazing bars. Oatmeals are very healthy with taken in breakfast with milk. The best part is that they are no bake bars so you can enjoy it in few minutes, without doing much efforts. You can add few choco chips for better taste.

Apple and cinnamon pie

Apple are very healthy fruit, it is good for eyesight, bones, vitamins and other beneficial nutrients. It is advised by the doctors to eat one apple in day but sometimes eating normal may seems boring so for making it interesting you can add cinnamon and caramel into it. Or you can make apple pie for more delicious taste.

These are the few desserts which are easy to make and will satisfy your cravings for sweet desserts without affecting your health. These cannot be made on occasions but can added for those you want to eat healthy. Find the recipes of these desserts and try them at home and recommend it to your friends also so that they also enjoy the healthy desserts.

Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!

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