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One exercise more efficient than 1000 ABS

You need to ensure that your body is in the best initial posture to ensure that you get the best out of this exercise.

Try following these instructions;

  • Keep your neck and shoulders straight as you place your hands on the ground.
  • Even though you are working on your abs when doing this exercise you are expected to have a hot feeling in your legs. This will occur when you place enough pressure on your toes by positioning your heels in a manner for such to happen. Your tight muscles will be tensed as well, you should then try and activate the muscles in your lower region by contracting your buttocks muscles.
  • Ensure that your buttocks is straightened out, do not raise it up.



  • Your body has to be flat on the floor and not at an angle forming a sort of triangle.
  • Try to breathe at an even pace as this will help you maintain this posture longer.
  • You can try this trick as a way of maintaining this posture for as long as possible — just imagine that you have a glass of water placed on your back and your life depended on that glass of water remaining intact.
  • Once you have maintained this posture you are just about ready to work out on this simple exercise.
  • Now firmly place your hands and knees on the ground, still make sure your back is flat — remember the glass of water?!
  • Make sure your shoulders are slightly wide apart. Ensure that you keep your neck and spine straightened out.
  • Your head must be aligned with your back, then ensure that your right foot is firmly place on the ground putting pressure on your toes. Switch your leg and repeat, this time on your left foot and toes.
  • You are getting this exercise correctly if you feel your entire body weight is placed on your toes and hands.
  • You should then contract your abdomen muscles and maintain this posture for about 60 seconds.
  • Place your knees on the ground after 60 seconds and relax.



Try this exercise thrice in quick concession to maximize the benefits of it and after a few weeks of regular exercising you will notice an immediate tone to your abdomen.


Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!


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  1. I like the idea of the plank exercise but seeing it in different angles would hell to achieve the goal better to make sure that I’m doing it right. TY

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