Are you interested in losing weight? Do you want to go back to a healthy figure and be able to try out new clothes? If your answer to either one of these two questions is yes, you should definitely keep on reading this article. In the paragraphs below, you will find the top five best weight loss diet plans. These are made with the purpose of helping you achieve a healthy weight loss goal, improving your well-being at the same time. And, remember, it is never too late to begin a diet, especially since this concerns your health.
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#1 Wild diet
The wild diet is based on the idea that we should all consume foods in their natural state. This means that processed foods are out of the question, not to mention junk food, fast food or anything that has more than three unknown ingredients on the label. Instead, you are encouraged to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and meat. Dairy products, locally-sourced, are also allowed and chocolate as well, as a treat. The creator of his diet states that, by eating foods that are natural and free of artificial ingredients, you will be able to lose excess weight and return to a healthy figure.
By following the wild diet, you will manage to make a very important change in your body and that is to burn fat, instead of the common glucose (sugar). This diet also teaches you not to be afraid of fats, but draws attention to the fact that you should only consume high-quality healthy fats. Last, but not least, you are taught to focus on the quality of the food and not the quantity.
#2 High protein diet
The high protein diet, as its name clearly states, requires that you consume an increased quantity of proteins. The authors of this diet consider that the key to healthy weight loss is represented by high protein foods. Do not make the mistake of thinking that a diet rich in proteins leads to weight gain; on the contrary, the increased intake of quality proteins reduces unhealthy cravings and it helps you lose excess weight. Moreover, the high protein diet has been found to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol, blood pressure and triglycerides.
When you eat foods that are rich in proteins, these take a longer period of time to digest and, thus, you will end up consuming more calories in the process. Moreover, due to the fact that they have a longer digestion period, they also guarantee a prolonged satiety sensation.
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#3 Dissociated diet
The dissociated diet is, without a doubt, one of the most popular weight loss diet plans that have ever existed. It is based on a simple, yet highly efficient idea, meaning that you should consume foods from one single food group at once. Apart from that, you are recommended to avoid the combination of acidic foods, such as meat, fish and dairy, with the ones that are alkaline, such as nuts, vegetables and legumes. The main advantage that the dissociated diet has to offer is the rapid weight loss, not to mention an improvement in the health of the gastrointestinal tract.
A week of this diet begins an entire day of meat, during which you are allowed to eat only poultry (chicken or turkey, steamed or grilled). The second day you move on to vegetables, which you can eat either raw or cooked. The third day is reserved for dairy products, while the next one is for fruits. In the fifth day, you are allowed to eat only fish, while the next days are for cereals, and, respectively, for eggs.
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#4 Mediterranean diet
The people in the Mediterranean area have always impressed with their healthy appearance. Let’s face it, both Italian and French people boast amazing figures, regardless of their age. This has a lot to do with the diet that they follow, one that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, locally-sourced, as well as whole grains, nuts, fish and olive oil. This diet allows you to drink wine, which is another benefit and, yes, it delivers exactly the weight loss results you expected in the first place.
The Mediterranean diet is permissive and it includes a wide range of delicious foods. However, you have to follow it for at least six months, in order to obtain the desired results. It is also recommended to engage in physical exercise, as this will help you achieve your weight loss goals a lot faster.
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#5 DASH diet
DASH is actually an abbreviation and it stands for “dietary approaches to stop hypertension”. The diet offers an interesting approach to weight loss, eliminating one of the major risks associated with obesity (high blood pressure). It is based on the consumption of fresh fruits and advocated for a reduction in the overall intake of sodium, as this can reduce bloating and other discomforting symptoms at the level of the gastrointestinal diet.
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Many of the foods recommended for this diet are low in calories, but rich in fiber. They allow one to lose weight gradually and in a healthy manner, especially when they are combined with weight loss exercises. Last, but not least, the blood pressure is kept at a healthy level, so the risk of heart disease is brought down to a minimum.
These are the top five best weight loss diet plans you should be aware of. As you have seen, each has something different to offer but also an important element – weight loss. No matter which diet you decide to follow, it is essential that you stick with it and celebrate every small achievement, until you reach your big weight loss goal.
Author Bio:
Ben Arnold is a freelance writer and a health adviser. He has been giving fitness advice to thousands of people all around the globe. Through his advanced studies, he has gain enormous experience in nutrition and healthy diet. His articles have a source on personal and practical experience. Apart from health, he likes reading books and listening music in free time. You can follow him on Facebook, Google +, and Pinterest