
Use These Seeds In Your Morning Water And See What Happens To Your Body

Flax Seeds Water For Health Benefits

We all know how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There are so many superfoods out there, and so many recipes… You only need to know what really works and what sells dreams!

Among the greatest super foods to improve our health, we find flax seeds. Humanity has consumed these seeds since ancient times, and they bring a lot of benefits to our bodies. Also known as linseed, they are small and dark brown and very inexpensive to purchase.

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There are tons of ways of including them in our diet to rip the benefits of their existence. If you have not heard yet about flax seeds, keep on reading to get acquainted to them and convince yourselves of adding them to your daily routine.

Benefits of Consuming Flaxseed Water

Flaxseeds are one the richest source of Omega 3 fatty acids, they also contain alpha-linolenic acid which are great for out diet and balanced way of life.

These acids in the flaxseeds will improve the health of your skin amazingly. These seeds contain B vitamins that are proven to stop having dry and flaky skin.

Healthy belly

This acid is also responsible for promoting the health of our GI tract lining, and reducing the inflammation of our stomach, therefore aiding our digestive system’s health.

On a similar note, flaxseeds are perfect to eliminate constipation, given they have a significant amount of fiber in their nutritional constitution. That way we are helping with the flow of our bowel movements.

Antioxidant properties

They are also high in antioxidants which are great for our brain’s health since they eliminate toxins that are enemies of the oxygenation. Antioxidants of the flaxseed are also great for our digestive system since they help the production of probiotics. That way our digestion is strengthened. Antioxidants even help us fight bacteria and virus that we come in contact with every day.

Lose the extra pounds

Flaxseeds are also great for helping you lose weight. The healthy fatty acids they contain are also excellent agents in eliminating the excess of fat in your organism. At the same time, their high fiber content will make you feel fuller with each meal, reducing the amount of calories you ingest.

A cancer fighter

Several researches have concluded that the consumption of the flaxseed drink will greatly reduce the risk of having cancer. Fighting breast, colon and prostate cancer is possible with flaxseed since they balance the hormones in those organs, thus regulating their natural process and not giving way to cancerous cells to develop.

Preparation of the Morning flaxseed water

  1. In lidded recipient, add 2 tablespoons of flaxseed and 2 cups of boiling water.
  2. Cover the recipient and leave it all night to work its wonders.
  3. On the next day in the morning, you shall filter this mixture with a strain, to eliminate the seeds.
  4. Done! Drink a glass of the drink before breakfast or you can add it to your healthy smoothie or shake blend.

Read also: Put This in Your Lemonade And Stop Migraines Fast

Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!

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