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8 Week Full Protocol For Fat Loss

Get shredded: supplements, workout & nutrition included

Training Day 1

A1Assisted Pull Up (Supinated Grip)51010s
A2Dumbbell Loaded Squat51060s
B1Seated Row (Semi Supinated Grip)51010s
B2Leg Press51060s
C1Lat Pull Down51010s
C2Lying Leg Curl51060s

READ: 5 Tips For Massive Muscle Growth That Most Guys Do Wrong

Training Day 2

A1Dumbbell Chest Press51010s
A2Front Foot Elevated Split Squat51060s
B1Standing Cable Flies51010s
B2Dumbbell Walking Lunges51060s
C1Dumbbell Shoulder Press51010s
C2Leg Extension51060s

Training Day 3

A1Barbell Bent Over Row51010s
A2Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift51060s
B1Single Arm Dumbbell Row51010s
B2Seated Leg Curl51060s
C1Barbell Push Press51010s
C2Vertical Jump51060s

Cardio Day 1

 20 seconds treadmill sprints with 40s rest10

Cardio Day 2

 30 minutes steady state cardio (incline treadmill or stair master)1

Phase 2

MondayTraining Day 1
TuesdayTraining Day 2
ThursdayCardio Day 1
FridayTraining Day 2
SaturdayCardio Day 2

READ: Why you shouldn’t take too much time off from the gym

Training Day 1

A1Incline Dumbbell Chest Press5810s
A2Dumbbell Loaded Squat5810s
A3Standing Cable Flies51690s
B1Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts5810s
B2Flat Dumbbell 1 & 1/4 Press5810s
B3Lying Leg Curl51690s
C1High Foot Pos. Leg Press110/10/10x

Training Day 2

A1Assisted Chin Up5810s
A2Barbell Front Squat5810s
A3Lat Pull Down51690s
B1Low Foot Leg Press5810s
B2Face Pull5810s
B3Leg Extension51690s
C1Reverse Cable Flies110/10/10x

Training Day 3

A1Flat Dumbbell Chest Press5810s
A2Seated Machine Overhead Press5810s
A3Flat Cable Flies51690s
B1Barbell Hip Bridge5810s
B2Dumbbell Walking Lunge5810s
B3Vertical Jump51690s
ABSReverse Crunch31060s

Cardio Day 1

 30 seconds treadmill sprints with 60s rest10

Cardio Day 2

 30 minutes steady state cardio (incline treadmill or stair master)1

There you have it! Be sure you respect all this, consume everything as listed above, and the results will come in no time!

Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!

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