A cup of freshly brewed tea can refresh you within minutes and invoke a sense of comfort and nostalgia. Its warmth takes you back to your happy place instantly. But did you know that drinking tea regularly has countless benefits for your health too? The health boosting power plant, known as Camellia sinensis is found in green, black, white and oolong tea.
According to a research, tea has phytochemicals and polyphenols, which are a type of antioxidant that help in removing toxins from your body and regulating cardiac function. Even though most studies focus on the health benefits of green and black tea, white and oolong tea are also extremely beneficial for your health. Let us take a look at some of the ways in which coffee’s little cousin can help boost our health.
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1- Maintains cholesterol levels
For centuries, Chinese have been drinking tea to maintain their health. And as we can see today, most of them are fit as a fiddle. While oolong tea is a favorite amongst them, green and black tea can lower both total serum cholesterol and LDL levels, according to a research published by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
But you need to drink at least 5 cups a day for the results to show. Many studies support the fact that higher consumption of tea lowers cholesterol levels in the human body, significantly. This is due to the fact that tea blocks the absorption of cholesterol from the large intestine.
2- Helps prevent blindness
The antioxidants present in all forms of tea, contribute to a better vision. Eye tissues benefit from the antioxidants too, and this why teabags are used to soothe tired eyes. In fact, drinking tea can help prevent blindness that may be caused by cataracts. A research shows a direct link between reduction of the clouding of the lens inside the eye and intake of tea.
3- Reduced cortisol levels
Cortisol is a stress hormone that primarily causes increased belly fat and rapid aging of the skin. But if you want to stay fit and keep the skin glowing, drink at least four to five cups of tea per day. Countless researches suggested that daily consumption of tea can lower cortisol levels significantly.
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Lowered cortisol levels in the body will help you stay relaxed and will also slow down the aging process of your skin, as well as prevent unnecessary belly fat.
4- Lowers levels of inflammation
It is not a secret, that tea is known for its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. According to a research by Dr. Mark Hyman, inflammation is one of the primary causes behind 90% of the ailments today. These include cardiac issues, arthritis, metabolic syndrome, anxiety and depression. In short, regular intake of tea can keep all these diseases at bay.
Another research also supports the fact that drinking tea can lower inflammation levels and promote better cardiovascular health among individuals. It also acts as a barrier against water retention, hence making you look more toned.
5- Increases cognitive health
According to extensive researches, caffeine and L-theanine, an amino acid present in tea, are a great combination to increase cognitive health and improve memory and reflexes. Both of them act together to increase focus and concentration instantly. So, grab a cup of tea before a meeting or a test so that you can perform at your optimal level.
6- Acts as an anti-allergen
A cup of tea may be your best friend during spring. Fight the increased pollen levels in the air with a cup of tea as it contains polyphenol and EGCG, both of which act as anti-allergens. Tea also contains quercetin, which is a naturally occurring flavanol that helps to reduce allergic and histamine response in the body. Just add a dash of pure honey to your tea and double its anti-allergy power!
7- Reduces risk of stroke
According to a 2009 meta-study, drinking at least three cups of black or green tea can reduce your risk of ischemic stroke by 21%. This is why it is essential to take care of your body and drink tea regularly to prevent the onset of ischemic stroke.
8- Helps prevent dementia
As discussed earlier, drinking tea promotes cognitive health, hence lowers the risk of dementia as you age. Tea particles help regenerate nerve synapses and maintain blood sugar regulation, which keeps the brain active and sharp. Another study further highlights that drinking tea strengthens the theta waves in the brain, which improves memory and attention span – yet another reason to add tea in your daily diet.
9- Better overall health
It is proven through a research, that tea drinkers are mentally and physically healthier than their counterparts who don’t drink tea. Just 3-5 cups of tea a day can bring about a marked difference in your overall health. Tea has minimal calories and is sugar free, so there is no side effects to increased consumption.
There are countless blends and styles of tea, depending on its origin. If you are unsure about what kind of tea you’ll prefer, just order a herbal fruit tea sampler from an authentic tea seller. Once you try out the variety, you will definitely find a taste that will suit your taste buds.
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Before you embark on a journey towards better health, and start drinking tea regularly, it is essential to take note of a few things. First of all, always drink tea after it has cooled off a bit. Drinking hot beverages repeatedly can boost your risk for esophageal cancer. So, make sure you don’t sip piping hot tea every time. Another thing to keep in mind is that, all varieties of tea are not equally beneficial. Its ingredients and the way you brew the tea, also plays a major part in the kind of nutrition it will deliver.
So, what are you waiting for? Discover a kind of tea that you’ll enjoy and tell us about your favorite variety in the comments below.
ABOUT Alycia Gordan
Alycia Gordan is a freelance writer who loves to read and write articles on healthcare technology, fitness and lifestyle. She is a tech junkie and divides her time between travel and writing. You can find her on Twitter: @meetalycia