Ma stiti ca sunt omu’ cu sportul si ca imi place sa arat bine si ca nu ma feresc de poze si alte alea…
Pyuric mi-a atras atentia asupra concursului organizat de Men’s Health & Women’s Health pe Facebook. Desi e tarzior, mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata.
Care e faza?
Pai revistele in cauza au pornit un concurs misto pe Facebook, care da sansa oricui la o aparitie in numarul viitor, in care 10 dintre sutele de participanti vor avea sansa sa vorbeasca despre nutritie, dieta si programul lor…
The 10 men and women who garner the most votes will then be asked to submit short essays about their workout regimes, which will be reviewed by a panel of judges including NBA Rookie of the Year Blake Griffin, LPGA golfer Michelle Wie and UFC light heavyweight champion Jon Jones. The judges aren’t necessarily looking for the “hottest bod,” they’re also looking for the most inspiring stories.
Ideea e ca m-am inscris si eu in concurs. Ar fi frumos sa avem si noi un reprezentant acolo, nu? Conform regulilor concursului (click aici pentru ele daca esti curios / curioasa ) sunt trei faze:
– faza 1: din 23 mai pana in 11 iulie participantii pot urca poze / se pot inscrie in concurs.
– faza 2: din 30 mai pana in 24 iulie participantii pot fi votati de oricine cu un cont valid de facebook. De pe un cont valid se poate vota o singura data pe zi. Mai multe zile la rand!
– faza 3: 10 baieti si 10 fete intra in finala, care tine din 25 iulie pana in 10 august. Acestia vor scrie cate un eseu care va fi jurizat de un juriu specializat.
Premiile (nu le traduc ca nu au farmec :D ):
One (1) Grand Prize – male: Trip for two (2) to the El Dorado Royale spa resort by Karisma in Riviera Maya, Mexico. The winner and one (1) guest will enjoy a three night Destination Wellness Vacation at the adults-only, Gourmet Inclusive resort. The Gourmet Inclusive getaway includes round-trip, coach class air transportation for two (2) from a major airport in the Continental U.S. nearest the winner’s home, double-occupancy hotel accommodations in a Jacuzzi Junior Suite, all gourmet meals served a la carte, the Destination Wellness Vacations package, which includes a personal Wellness Concierge, personal training for winner and guest (participants can choose from 15 different Destination Wellness classes including Yoga, Zumba and Beach Boot Camp, which cater to varying interests and fitness levels), a nutrition program and an online community membership so travelers can maintain their healthy lifestyles after departing the resort. ARV: $2,698. Actual value of trip prize depends upon the city of departure, time of travel, any airfare fluctuations and on current market conditions at time of prize fulfillment, and any difference between the stated ARV and the actual value if any, will not be awarded. See “Travel Restrictions” section below for further information. Ten Finalists’ Prizes:– Ten Female Finalists’ Prizes (including top-scoring, female Grand Prize winner) and Ten Male Finalists’ Prizes (including top-scoring, male Grand Prize winner) will include items as follows:
Female Finalists’ Prizes
1 M2 Smart Coach from MYTRAK ($179 each)
1 iKick100 Docking System for iPod/iPhone from Kicker ($150 each)
1 Headphones from New Balance audio ($40)
1 tank top and 1 base shorts from New Balance ($44)
1 stainless steel water bottle from KOR ($25)
1 Avene Spring Water unisex wash ($16)
1 Women’s Health Diet Book ($32)
1 Women’s Health Big Book of Exercises ($25)
1 One-year subscriptions to Women’s Health ($12)
Total ARV of Female Finalists’ Prize: $523/ea.Male Finalists’ Prizes
1 M2 Smart Coach from MYTRAK ($179 each)
1 iKick100 Docking System for iPod/iPhone from Kicker ($150 each)
1 Headphones from New Balance audio ($40)
1 shirt and 1 shorts from New Balance ($64)
1 stainless steel water bottle from KOR ($25)
1 Avene Spring Water unisex wash ($16)
1 Men’s Health Diet Book ($32)
1 Men’s Health Big Book of Exercises ($25)
1 One-year subscriptions to Men’s Health ($20)
Total ARV of Male Finalists’ Prizes: $551/ea.Total ARV of all prizes: $16,136.
Concluzia? Am mare nevoie de voi. Stiu ca daca ne mobilizam putem castiga :D. E un concurs lung, dar nu dureaza mult sa imi dai zilnic un vot. Trebuie doar sa te loghezi pe facebook si sa accesezi linkul asta:
Promit solemn ca daca prin absurd intru in cei 10 finalisti ma revansez misto! Plus ca da bine pentru online-ul romanesc si nu numai sa avem un reprezentant acolo…Nu credeti?
Deci hai ca numa atat cer: 2 minute pe zi/zilnic sa intri pe facebook si sa imi dai un vot? Facem? :)
Si mi-ai castigat votul! :)
Mersi. Faza e ca dureaza cam mult concursul si ca sa am ceva sanse trebuie sa primesc zilnic voturi :D.
Pai, promovare buna in fiecare zi.
Niste bannere, niste articole si baga baga.
Sa fie!
Ok! Până se termină concursul ai în fiecare zi un vot de la mine.
Multumesc mult, apreciez!
Cu plăcere ! :)
ai votul meu :)
Mersi. Dar trebuie zilnic :(
e perfect! :D cunosc eu cateva persoane care au votat si sigur vor vota … o sa ma asigur eu ca se intampla asta in fiecare zi, cel putin cat timp imi amintesc. nu ramane decat sa ai bafta!
Mersi! In cazul asta baga tare! :D
S-a votat!
Mersi! Trebuie zilnic :D
Frate eu te votez!Esti tare! Mult succes!
Multumesc! Apreciez enorm!
nu te cunosc pe tine personal dar daca esti asa cum te descrie fratele tau sunt sigura k o sa reprezinti romania ff bine bafta multa si ai votul meu
Multumesc frumos! Insa am nevoie de voturi zilnice :0