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De ce spun ca Londra organizeaza impecabil JO

Toata lumea stie ca anul acesta Londra organizeaza Jocurile Olimpice. Ce imi place e ca au implicat extrem de mult social media si publicul/fanii JO in general. Au reusit sa faca asa de interactiva treaba asta incat aproape crezi ca participi si tu :)).

Va aduceti aminte de campania de pe twitter “one year to go” – care a prins excelent, asa de excelent incat chiar si Romania noastra a prins un frumos loc 10.

Nu s-au oprit aici. De ceva timp organizatorii incurajeaza oamenii sa “show your best”. Adica un fel de X got talent online si indreptat spre skilluri sportive (si nu numai). Pe site-ul mentionat exista posibilitatea sa iti faci upload la un filmulet (sau mai multe) prin care sa demonstrezi cat esti tu de bun la ceva si ai sansa la castiguri frumoase:

– clipul tau sa fie inclus in spotul tv international al Jocurilor Olimpice
– o calatorie de doua persoane la Jocurile Olimpice din Londra, cu cazare pe trei zile inclusa, cu acces la Jocuri si cu bani de buzunar
– premii lunare constand in gadgeturi misto

Eh, cum suna? Eu mi-am inscris clipul cu abdomene si mi-a fost refuzat prima data ca am incalcat una din reguli si anume aveam numele site-ului pe el :D. Am zis, eh asta e, nu ma mai complic. Totusi, am primit mail de la un tip Jeremy din echipa care se ocupa de site, mi-a spus ca:

Thank you so much for your submission to the International Olympic Committee’s Show Your Best campaign. Your sit ups and crunches, etc are pretty impressive! The reason the video was rejected is because you put a title on the video with the address of your website throughout the video. Can you delete that website title and reupload please (we can’t allow people to promote their own sites through the contest)? Once you’ve done that, your video will be accepted. Until your video is accepted, you are not eligible for a trip to the Olympic Games.

When you’re ready to re-upload, here’s a quick link to help you submit more quickly: ShowYourBest Site Submit OR YouTube ShowYourBest Channel

Once again, thanks for your video! Please let me know if you have any questions.

Community Manager
On behalf of the International Olympic Committee

Cand am vazut mailul de la el, pentru simplul fapt ca si-a facut timp sa imi scrie (probabil scrie la toata lumea, dar gestul conteaza) am zis ca ok, hai sa editez putin clipul si sa il reurc. Si am editat putin 3 clipuri si le-am urcat. Din cele trei mi-au fost acceptate momentan doar doua, pentru al treilea asteapta un cititor al limbii romane ca sa traduca ce scrie pe clipuri – ca e cel cu flotarile unde scrie titlul fiecarei flotare.

Right now two of your videos are live on the site:
Your ab workout:!/video/b4a85d732847fcc23cde6cada0382bde
Your workout with your brother:!/video/f9a649e7d48bd6165aecedb0f8b161d2

The third video – of the various styles of press-ups/push-ups is still pending approval and that is because we need an independent Romanian speaker to verify that the titles you put in are (as you write below) in line with the rules of the contest. But it hasn’t been rejected, so you don’t need to do anything, and it should be live within a couple of days. Does that help?

No, nu-i asa ca-i tare faina treaba asta?

Asa ca daca tot m-am inscris, v-as ruga daca va lasa inima sa bagati si niste voturi, sa fie acolo la numaratoare. Se voteaza simplu, fara cont, doar prin apasarea unei stelute. Si pentru ca deocamdata sunt singurul participant din Romania, cred eu ca merit, nu?

Clip 1 – play & vote.
Clip 2 – play & vote.
Clip 3 probabil urmeaza.

Multam tare fain!

sursa foto.

Written by Valentin Bosioc

Valentin Bosioc - wellness specialist, certified personal trainer, certified fitness instructor, celebrity trainer, Musclemania Champion, Ninja Warrior Semifinalist, world wide motivator!


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